
A Data Platform for Medical AI that enables building high-quality datasets and algorithms with lean process and advanced annotation features.

MIT LicenseMIT

The VinDr Lab is a Data Platform for Medical AI that enables building high-quality datasets and algorithms with lean process and advanced annotation features. The software is provided by the Medical Imaging team at Vingroup Big Data Institute (VinBigdata).

Gitter MIT License



VinDr Lab is a open-source platform for medical image annotation. It has been developed to remove the ground-truth barrier AI teams met to build meaningful medical AI applications. VinDr Lab provides a high-level web-interface equibbed with advanced annotation tools and project management features.

You can read more about the platform on vindr.ai/vindr-lab.

What's here

This repo is the "master" repo for all VinDr Lab-related projects. It hosts the documentation and other misc. resources for VinDr Lab. Code for other projects, like backend and frontend, are hosted in other repositories.

Project Index

All VinDr Lab projects and repositories underneath the VinBigdata Medical GitHub organization are listed here. To learn more about each project, see the README in each repository.

Repository Description Maintainers
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab Documentation and other general resources related to VinDr Lab @lego1st, @fuzzysource
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-deployment Getting started with VinDr Lab. We support Kubernetes or Docker deployments. @iamatsundere
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-api Middleware layer between user interface and backend systems @iamatsundere
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-id-generator For each study or task of a project, this service generates a new integer value which based on the key as string. @iamatsundere
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-uploader Uploader modifies and transfers the DICOM files to database. @iamatsundere
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-viewer Frontend: Viewer allows the manipulation, annotation, and serialization of observations and many more features. @HoAnhVan
vinbigdata-medical/vindr-lab-dashboard Frontend: Dashboard support data management and labeling administration @HoAnhVan

Note: Another way to find all VinDrLab-related repos is to go to Vinbigdata Medical GitHub mainpage and enter the search term "vindr-lab", like here.


Project documentation is hosted on our github page. We are hoping to establish a more user-friendly version soon.


For quick questions there's no need to open an issue as you can reach us on Gitter.

If you're an experienced dev and interested in contributing to VinDr Lab:


Note: If you use or find this repository helpful, please take the time to star this repository on Github. This is an easy way for us to assess adoption and it can help us obtain future funding for the project.

This work is supported primarily by Vingroup Big Data Institute

Team members

Lego1st fuzzysource iamatsundere HoAnhVan trung1704ptit EdwardPham1615 minguyenn
Lego1st fuzzysource iamatsundere HoAnhVan trung1704ptit EdwardPham1615 minguyenn


MIT License