Wei Wenlan

Master in Electric and Computer Engineer at Cornell Tech

+86 13693092812| +1 347-620-8461 | weiwenlan1999@gmail.com



  • Wuhan University GPA: 3.70/4.00 (rank top 5%);

  • Computer Skills:

    • Programming : C/C++, Python, TensorFlow, Pytorch
    • Software: MATLAB, Multisim
    • Documentation:Latex, MS Office
  • Experiment Skill: PCB board welding, Fiber cleaving and welding

  • Course experience

    • Computer Vision (4.0/4.0)
    • Machine Learning (4.0/4.0)
    • Robotic Vision (4.0/4.0)
    • Data Structure and Algorithms (4.0/4,0) (97/100)
    • Artificial Intelligence (4.0/4,0)
    • Communication Theory (4.0/4,0) 97/100
    • Linear algebra (4.0/4,0) 95/100




  1. A Method to Construct Natural Scene Data Set Suitable for Computer Vision
  2. A Method for Image Super-resolution Reconstruction based on Lightweight Network


Towards Visual Question Answering on Pathology Images DOI:10.18653/v1/2021.acl-short.90 [PDF][LINK] Lightweight Image Super-Resolution with Mobile Share-Source Network in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 60008-60018, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2983079. [PDF][LINK]


  • Merit Scholarship Cornell Tech Oct.2020
  • Excellent National Project Issued by the Ministry of Education Nov. 2020
  • "Best over all Prize" in Summer research in Imperial College London Sep.2019
  • the Second Prize of the 5th China Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Oct.2019
  • "The Second Prize Scholarship of Students" Oct.2018
  • "The Third Prize Scholarship of Students" Oct.2018
  • National Computer Test(Brand Two: Python Language Programming)
  • The LuoJia Outstanding Exchange Scholarship Oct.2019


VMware, SDE Intern, Beijing Nov 2020 – Jul 2021

  • Design and utilize the code comprehension model to generate annotation and summary.
  • Design a system to manage and reveal the structure of the python programs to tackle the growing complexity problems.
  • Develop 3 models, Table Recognition, Latex Formula Recognition and Model to extract information from Zoom recording.

Baidu AI Lab, RD, Beijing Aug 2020- Nov 2020

  • Developed and deployed a scene classification network service and the SKU boxes counting and inference service for businesses to estimate their advertising cost.
  • Optimized the products retrieval system, applied various strategies to boost the recall and precision.



Table OCR

  • Recognize Table with super light model.
  • Deployed with Kubernetes. Github image

Zoom Meeting Powerpoint Extraction


Python Module Analysis

Github image

Latex Fourmula OCR

Github image

University of California San Diego,Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mar. 2020 – Sep. 2020 Applied for the remote summer research during Covid-19 and thanks to the Prof. Xie

DenseUNet 3D and COVID-19 Data Set

  • Apply DenseUnet 3D with open source COVID-19 data set.
  • Distinguish tissues with inflammation in lung.
  • Completed whole experiment with the standard IOU 0.63 and DICE Coeff 0.68 on the CUDA platform. image

Medical Visual Question Answering

Build up an open source data set which contains assorted questions and answers for VQA tasks.

  • Collected more than 20,000 images and captions.
  • Did experiments with VQA models to perform all functions; modified all answers and applied state-of-art models on the X-ray and Pathology dataset.
  • Explored influence of various kinds of pretraining tasks, including image to question, question to answers, mask words, image to answers, etc. image

Due to the ban from the US government, our collaboration was forced to be eliminated.

Imperial College, Computer Department - Research on Robotic arm

Jul. 2019 – Aug. 2019 Leader


  • For one month, students are trying to work out a program on the hardware platform of a 3d camera and a robotic arm.

Trash Classify system:

  • Build a system including: the interface, the cloud server and the hardware to classify waste.
  • Dealt with the object detection part.
  • Awarded the Best Overall Prize, judgement made by the Prof. Guangzhong Yang.


Wuhan University, Signal Processing Lab - Research on Bio-Image

Jul. 2019 – Oct.2019 Assistant Researcher

  • Build up a system to identify the cervical artery plaques by using the computer vision technology with the ultrasound machines. To accomplish the project, we cooperate with the ZhongNan Hospital.
  • We won the Second Prize of the 5th China Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

Wuhan University, Signal Processing Lab - Research on Image project

Sep. 2018 – Present Assistant Researcher

  • Put efforts in computer vision including various fields: Image Retrieval, Image Super-Resolution, Object Detection etc.

Image Retrieval System:


  • System is used to analyze the location of the object from several images.
  • Took the responsibility of image retrieval part

Research on Super Resolution Reconstruction Technology for Mobile:


  • Design a new super resolution network for the portable devices.
  • In charge of the network building.
  • Awarded Excellent National Project, issued by the Ministry of Education.



Student Union of college Sep. 2017 – Sep. 2018

  • Work in the secretariat which is mainly responsible for the organization and management of whole student union ‘s several departments as a whole.
  • Organize events such as meeting for all members of school union and supervise their daily activities.