
error with own data

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Thank you for your work. Everything seems to work well except if I use my own data.
This error happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 19, in
File "/mnt/work/Dev/Sources/mesh_refinement/NerfingMVS-main/src/depth_priors.py", line 86, in train
loss = compute_depth_loss(depth_pred, depth_gt, mask_gt)
File "/mnt/work/Dev/Sources/mesh_refinement/NerfingMVS-main/utils/depth_priors_utils.py", line 6, in compute_depth_loss
log_pred = torch.log(pred[mask])
IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 1

not sure what's happening. Do you have any idea?

thank you