
[NeurIPS'2024] Neural Signed Distance Function Inference through Splatting 3D Gaussians Pulled on Zero-Level Set

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Signed Distance Function Inference through Splatting 3D Gaussians Pulled on Zero-Level Set

Wenyuan Zhang · Yu-Shen Liu · Zhizhong Han

NeurIPS 2024

In this paper, we propose to seamlessly combine 3D Gaussians with the learning of neural SDFs. Our method provides a novel perspective to jointly learn 3D Gaussians and neural SDFs by more effectively using multi-view consistency and imposing geometry constraints.

Preprocessed Datasets & Pretrained Meshes

Our preprocessed datasets are provided in This link.

Pretrained meshes are provided in This link.



Clone the repository and create an anaconda environment called gspull using

git clone git@github.com:wen-yuan-zhang/GS-Pull.git
cd GS-Pull

conda create -n gspull python=3.10
conda activate gspull

conda install pytorch=1.13.0 torchvision=0.14.0 cudatoolkit=11.7 -c pytorch
conda install cudatoolkit-dev=11.7 -c conda-forge

pip install -r requirements.txt

To install the differentiable splatting kernel, use

cd gaussian_splatting/submodules
pip install diff-gaussian-rasterization
pip install simple-knn

To install the C++ extensions for NeuralPull, use

cd np_utils/extensions/chamfer_dist
python setup.py install

(Optional) To try training UDFs, install udf extraction extensions

cd custom_mc
python setup.py build_ext --inplace


To train a scene, firstly run original Gaussian Splatting for 7000 iterations

cd gaussian_splatting
python train.py -s <path to dataset> -m <path to output_dir> --iterations 7000

For example, to train scan24 of DTU dataset, use

python train.py -s data/DTU/scan24 -m output/DTU/scan24 --iterations 7000

The default background color is black. To use white background, you need to add a '-w' argument.

Then train GS-Pull using

cd ../
python train.py -s <path to dataset> -c <path to gs checkpoint> --output <path to output_dir>

For example, to continue training scan24 of DTU dataset, use

python train.py -s data/DTU/scan24 -c gaussian_splatting/output/DTU/scan24 --output output/DTU/scan24

Note that we will identify the scene name in training, so please ensure that the output directory ends with the exact scene name of the dataset.

Mesh Extraction

To extract meshes from checkpoints, use

python extract_mesh.py -s <path to dataset> -g <path to 3DGS checkpoint> -o <path to gspull checkpoint>

For example, to extract mesh of scan24 of DTU dataset, use

python extract_mesh.py -s data/DTU/scan24/ -g gaussian_splatting/output/DTU/scan24/ -o output/DTU/scan24


To evaluate DTU scenes, put the ground truth of DTU dataset under data/, and then use

cd evaluation
python clean_eval_dtu_mesh.py  --datadir <path to DTU dataset> --expdir <path to checkpoint dir> --scan <scan id>

For example, to evaluate scan24, use

python clean_eval_dtu_mesh.py --datadir ../data/DTU --expdir ../output/DTU/scan24 --scan 24

To evaluate Tanks and Temples scenes, follow the official evaluation scipts provided by TNT dataset.


This project is built upon 3DGS, SuGaR, Neural-Pull and CAP-UDF. We thank all the authors for their great repos.


If you find our code or paper useful, please consider citing

    title = {Neural Signed Distance Function Inference through Splatting 3D Gaussians Pulled on Zero-Level Set},
    author = {Wenyuan Zhang and Yu-Shen Liu and Zhizhong Han},
    booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
    year = {2024},