
Verify functionality of gSysC library.

Primary LanguageCMake

Small Test Project to Test gSysC Library


  • SystemC 2.3.2
  • gSysC
  • Qt4


Please add the following variables to your environment

EXPORT SYSTEMC_ROOT=<Path to SystemC root directory>
EXPORT GSYSC_ROOT=<Path to GsysC root directory>

In cmake/modules , the find scripts will search for the necessary libaries and include directories.

The compilation's success depence on the right C++ standard set. It needs to fit to the standard you had used to compile your SystemC. You can change the standard in CMakeLists.txt with the option target_compile_features(gsysc_testproject PRIVATE cxx_std_14) .


mkdir ./build && cd ./build
cmake ../
make gsysc_testproject