
API server in Restify with common defaults, for quick project bootstrapping.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Restify Starter

Base Restify API repo with UAMS support


  • Boilerplate for environment, config, CORS, logging, MongoDB
  • Simple structure with minimal dependencies
  • User account management base, using UAMS
  • PM2 starter task


$ yarn


$ yarn start     // Start in development mode
$ yarn pm2       // Start PM2 for production

Project Structure

├── package.json            ⟶ NPM scripts (start, pm2, etc.)
├── package-lock.json       ⟶ 
├── Procfile                ⟶ Heroku basic Node.js procfile
├── README.md               ⟶ 
└── src                     ⟶ 
    ├── app.js              ⟶ Main application
    ├── config.js           ⟶ Configuration
    ├── index.js            ⟶ Starting script
    ├── routes              ⟶ Route endpoints
    │   └── home.js         ⟶ Sample route
    ├── schemas             ⟶ Mongoose schema definitions
    │   └── user.js         ⟶ Sample extension of UAMS user model
    └── utils               ⟶ 
        ├── env.js          ⟶ Environment variable helper methods
        ├── logger.js       ⟶ Logging via Winston
        └── mongoose.js     ⟶ Default Mongoose setup & configs


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