
UAMS - user access management system. Simple user CRUD middleware for Restify/Express. For example implementation, see Restify Starter server.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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User Access Management System

User account management middleware for Restify.

See Restify Starter for example usage.


  • Plugs into existing Restify servers
  • Configurable options for route endpoints, JWT tokens, etc.
  • Extensible Mongoose models


  • Forgotten password recovery


Although a decent number of Node frameworks can manage users, most fall short on integration. Aqua (previously Drywall) came the closest, though it provides no way to extend the user model to include your own fields.

UAMS aims to simply and extensibly:

  • Provide all of the basic features for user management
  • Be quick & easy for rapid MVP development
  • Allow more control over routes and models
  • Be minimally invasive to your existing code
  • Work almost completely out of the box with almost no configuration


$ npm i

Setup / Configuration

A basic example Restify server using UAMS:

// app.js
'use strict'
const restify = require('restify')

const app = restify.createServer({
    name:    'UAMS/Restify Example',
    version: '1.0.0'

app.use(restify.plugins.bodyParser({ extended: true }))

const uams = require('../../uams')({
    app,                            // Restify server instance
    log: console,                   // Any compatible logger (see readme)
    mongoose: require('mongoose'),  // Mongoose instance
    userField: 'email',             // User field (typically "email" or "username")
    passField: 'password',          // Password field
    jwtTokenSecret: 'abc123',       // JWT token secret
    jwtExpiresIn: '24hr',           // JWT token expiration
    excludeDbFields: [              // Fields to be excluded from responses


module.exports = app
// index.js
'use strict'

const app = require('./app')

require('require-all')(path.resolve(__dirname, 'routes'))

const host = process.env.HOST || ''
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080

app.listen( port, host, console.info(
    `App listening at http://${host}:${port}` ) )


Option Default Value Required Description
app null Yes Restify server instance
mongoose null Yes Mongoose instance
log console No Any compatible logger (see readme)
userField username No User field (typically "email" or "username")
passField password No Password field
jwtTokenSecret null No JWT token secret
jwtExpiresIn null No JWT token expiration
excludeDbFields [''] No Fields to be excluded from responses
routes - No -
routes.signup /users No POST signup route
routes.login /users/login No POST login route
routes.update /users No PUT update route
routes.fetch /users No GET fetch route
userSchema {} No Additional fields to add to the user model (see Mongoose Schema)


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