Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations
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Error reify with `has_one: true`
#29 opened by taufek - 2
What's the purpose of transaction_id?
#47 opened by sobrinho - 0
Missing foreign key relationship on 'version_associations.version_id' to 'versions.id'
#41 opened by RemigiuszDrozd - 0
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Reifying has_one association with "dependent: :destroy" could destroy a live record
#32 opened by bli - 22
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Support for rails 7.0
#31 opened by estebanz01 - 1
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#26 opened by chumakoff - 3
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Mistake in README ?
#20 opened by bjacquet - 3
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doesn't seem to be doing anything?
#17 opened by jhackett1 - 2
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Upgrade to 1.1.0 with existing data not possible
#11 opened by doits - 4
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Thoughts on Testing
#2 opened by jaredbeck - 2
Thoughts on repo and gem ownership
#3 opened by jaredbeck