
ERROR:cannot launch node of type [ssl_slam/ssl_slam_laser_processing_node]

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ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ssl_slam/ssl_slam_laser_processing_node]: Cannot locate node of type [ssl_slam_laser_processing_node] in package [ssl_slam]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ssl_slam/ssl_slam_odom_estimation_node]: Cannot locate node of type [ssl_slam_odom_estimation_node] in package [ssl_slam]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ssl_slam/ssl_slam_laser_mapping_node]: Cannot locate node of type [ssl_slam_laser_mapping_node] in package [ssl_slam]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

i don't know why?please help?

i don't know why?please help?

do you resolve this issue????

I had the same problem as you, but I solved it this way.


  1. When installing "ceres_solve", did you install the correct version? 2.1 version is stable, but 2.2 version should match the cmake version, so I recommend 2.1 is recommended.
  2. When proceeding with the "ceres_solve" tutorial, did the tutorial proceed perfectly? In my case, I ran "make install" because "make install" was written in the tutorial, but it didn't work. I ignored it and proceeded. As a result, "sudo make install" was satisfied. "
  3. The "ceres_solve" package must exit the work_station. In my case, I put it in the home folder, not the work_station folder. In this way, I had the same problem as you, but I solved it.

I had the same problem as you, but I solved it this way.


  1. When installing "ceres_solve", did you install the correct version? 2.1 version is stable, but 2.2 version should match the cmake version, so I recommend 2.1 is recommended.
  2. When proceeding with the "ceres_solve" tutorial, did the tutorial proceed perfectly? In my case, I ran "make install" because "make install" was written in the tutorial, but it didn't work. I ignored it and proceeded. As a result, "sudo make install" was satisfied. "
  3. The "ceres_solve" package must exit the work_station. In my case, I put it in the home folder, not the work_station folder. In this way, I had the same problem as you, but I solved it.

I solved it by a similar way,Thanks bro