
A MATLAB Function for Creating Publication-Ready Plots

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Publication ready plot

MATLAB provides a wide range of plotting functions. However, creating publication-quality plots can be a daunting task. This function publication_ready_plot generates publication-ready plots with customizable titles, labels, and legends.

This version of the function is modified to handle multiple time series, with default settings for single time series.


function publication_ready_plot(x, y, x_label, y_label, title_str, legend_str, file_name)

Input Arguments

  • x: Required input for the x-axis values for all time-series as a cell array.
  • y: Required input for the y-axis values for all time-series as a cell array.
  • x_label: Required input for the label for x-axis.
  • y_label: Required input for the label for y-axis.
  • title_str: Required input for the title of the plot.
  • legend_str: Required input for the legend for all time-series as a cell array.
  • file_name: Required input for the file name to save the plot. The file will be saved in the current directory.


  • A publication-ready plot saved in EPS and PNG formats.


% Generate example data
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
y1 = sin(t);
y2 = cos(t);
y3 = sin(2*t);

% Call function with multiple time series
x = {t, t, t};
y = {y1, y2, y3};
publication_ready_plot(x, y, 'Time (s)', 'Amplitude', 'Example Plot', {'Series 1', 'Series 2', 'Series 3'}, 'example_plot');


The function includes several parameters that can be customized to suit your needs:

  • set(groot, 'defaultAxesFontName', 'Times New Roman') sets the font to Times New Roman.
  • set(groot, 'defaultAxesFontSize', 12) sets the font size to 12.
  • plot(x{i}, y{i}, 'LineWidth', 1.5) sets the line width for the data series to 1.5.
  • legend(legend_str, 'Location', 'best') sets the legend location to the best position based on the available space.
  • grid on turns on the grid.
  • grid minor turns on the minor grid.

These parameters can be modified within the function code.