Server Timeout (Received unrequested data for block)
chrismoneyron opened this issue · 0 comments
Hi whoenig,
This is the issue that I brought up on the Bitcraze forums (
"I have a setup of 5 Crazyflies where I am trying to perform the simple action of printing each Crazyflie's battery percentage to the console. I am currently using one Crazyradio on channel 80 with the 5 different Crazyflies on different addresses at a data rate of 2 Mbps. In order to track the Crazyflies' battery percentage, I either set the parameter 'enable_logging_battery' or 'enable_logging' to true in the launch file. This will always work upon restart of all the Crazyflies. Then, I press 'CTRL-C' to end the launch file, and when I run the script again, I am getting a lot of warnings that say "Received unrequested data for block: 0". After receiving too many of these warnings, the script terminates with a runtime error of timeout, and subsequently, the crazyflie_server node dies."
You mentioned that it was likely a bug due to an old logging configuration. Please let me know when this issue has been resolved. Thank you very much!