Roscpp Update Params
EceChaik opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi guys,
not really an issue with the package, but I cannot find out how to properly call the UpdateParams service with roscpp, something like the equivalent of:
update_params = rospy.serviceProxy('update_params',UpdateParams)
update_params(["kalman/initialX", "kalman/initialY", "kalman/initialZ"])
I made it work by using:
std::vector< std::string > vec;
and so on, and then
crazyflie_driver::UpdateParams upd_serv;
upd_serv.request.params = vec;;
it seems to work, but if anyone knows of a better way, do let me know
Some other options would be to 1) directly push_back()
on upd_serv.request.params
, or 2) use a C++11-style initializer {"kalman/initialX", "kalman/initialY"}
on upd_serv.request.params