This repo exposes some functionality of the RAI code in python bindings. See for a README of the RAI code.
Although very incomplete, the best intro to the code is found as part of the robotics-course documentation. Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate the use are found in the rai tests and in tutorials/.
This assumes a standard Ubuntu 18.04 (or 16.04) machine.
- Clone the repo:
git clone --recursive
cd rai-python
- Install all necessary Ubuntu packages. The following should do this automatically; if you don't like this, call
make -j1 printUbuntuAll
to see which code components depend on which Ubuntu packages, and install by hand.
sudo apt-get update
make -j1 installUbuntuAll # calls sudo apt-get install; you can always interrupt
- Compile using cmake. (The non-cmake build system allows more configuration in -- but not recommended for external users.)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(command nproc)
- Basic python installs - you might have installed this already:
# export PATH="${PATH}:$HOME/.local/bin" #add this to your .bashrc, if not done already
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install --user --upgrade pip
pip3 install --user jupyter nbconvert matplotlib
- Test a first notebook, then checkout all notebooks in
jupyter-notebook tutorials/1-basics.ipynb
- If you like, you can also run the C++-library tests:
cd rai
make tests
make runTests
.. or call them individually: cd rai/test/LGP/pickAndPlace; make; ./x.exe
The install was tested in the mini20 docker. There is also a full20 docker that contains a compiled rai version.