The libRSF is an open source C++ library that provides several components that are required for robust sensor fusion. It can be used to describe the estimation problem as factor graph and solve it using the Ceres Solver. More information can be found under libRSF - A Robust Sensor Fusion Library.
Main features are:
- A set of predefined error functions for localization problems.
- Several robust error models for non-Gaussian problems.
- A sliding window filter for online applications.
This work is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.
This library is the implementation of [1] and [2]. Further references will be added with additional content.
[1] Tim Pfeifer and Peter Protzel, Expectation-Maximization for Adaptive Mixture Models in Graph Optimization, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019
[2] Tim Pfeifer and Peter Protzel, Incrementally learned Mixture Models for GNSS Localization, Proc. of Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2019
author = {Tim Pfeifer and Peter Protzel},
title = {Expectation-Maximization for Adaptive Mixture Models in Graph Optimization},
booktitle = {Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
year = {2019},
author = {Tim Pfeifer and Peter Protzel},
title = {Incrementally learned Mixture Models for GNSS Localization},
booktitle = {Proc. of Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)},
year = {2019},
The libRSF is a CMake project that requires the installation of the following dependencies:
CMake (>= 2.8)
sudo apt-get install cmake
Eigen (>= 3.3)
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
Ceres (>= 2.0) and its dependencies
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev git clone cd ceres-solver mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make all -j8 make install
The library and its applications can be build following this instructions:
git clone
cd libRSF
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all -j8
After building the library, some applications are provided. Usually they correspond directly to a publication.
These two applications are made for the ICRA 2019 conference, the corresponding paper is [1]. One can be used for GNSS datasets and calculates a 3D position in the ECEF frame, while the other one is for 2D ranging datasets. To run them, the following syntax have to be used:
libRSF/build/applications/ICRA19_GNSS <input file> <output file> error: <error model>
libRSF/build/applications/ICRA19_Ranging <input file> <output file> error: <error model>
<input file> is the dataset you want to process, the format is explained by readme files in the datasets folder.
<output file> is the estimated Trajectory. The output file contains several columns that represent timestamps and estimated positions:
For 3D estimation: Column 1 - Timestamp [s] Column 2 - X coordinate in the ECEF frame [m] Column 3 - Y coordinate in the ECEF frame [m] Column 4 - Z coordinate in the ECEF frame [m] Column 5-13 - Covariance matrix of the estimated position in row-major format (Currently not used!) For 2D estimation: Column 1 - Timestamp [s] Column 2 - X coordinate in a local frame [m] Column 3 - Y coordinate in a local frame [m] Column 4-7 - Covariance matrix of the estimated position in row-major format (Currently not used!)
<error model> is one of the following error models:
gauss - A Gaussian distribution dcs - Dynamic Covariance Scaling cdce - Closed form Dynamic Covariance Estimation mm - Max-Mixture (an approximation of a Gaussian mixture) sm - Sum-Mixture (an exact Gaussian mixture) stmm - Adaptive Max-Mixture using the EM Algorithm stsm - Adaptive Sum-Mixture using the EM Algorithm
A full example could be:
libRSF/build/applications/ICRA19_GNSS libRSF/datasets/smartLoc/Data_Berlin_Potsdamer_Platz_Web.txt Result_Berlin_Potsdamer_Platz_Web.txt error: gauss
These application is made for the IV 2019 conference, the corresponding paper is [2]. It can be used for GNSS datasets and calculates a 3D position in the ECEF frame. To run them, the following syntax have to be used:
libRSF/build/applications/IV19_GNSS <input file> <output file> error: <error model>
<input file> is the dataset you want to process, the format is explained by readme files in the datasets folder.
<output file> is the estimated Trajectory. The output file contains several columns that represent timestamps and estimated positions:
Column 1 - Timestamp [s] Column 2 - X coordinate in the ECEF frame [m] Column 3 - Y coordinate in the ECEF frame [m] Column 4 - Z coordinate in the ECEF frame [m] Column 5-13 - Covariance matrix of the estimated position in row-major format (Currently not used!)
<error model> is one of the following error models:
gauss - A Gaussian distribution dcs - Dynamic Covariance Scaling cdce - Closed form Dynamic Covariance Estimation mm - Max-Mixture (an approximation of a Gaussian mixture) sm - Sum-Mixture (an exact Gaussian mixture) stmm - Adaptive Max-Mixture using the EM Algorithm stsm - Adaptive Sum-Mixture using the EM Algorithm stmm_vbi - Incrementally learned Max-Mixture using the VBI Algorithm stsm_vbi - Incrementally learned Sum-Mixture using the VIB Algorithm
A full example could be:
libRSF/build/applications/IV19_GNSS libRSF/datasets/smartLoc/Data_Berlin_Potsdamer_Platz_Web.txt Result_Berlin_Potsdamer_Platz_Web.txt error: gauss