A tool to download Core Genome MLST schemes for bacterial genomics
Installation and requirements
Requires Python 3
pip3 install git+https://github.com/kristyhoran/coreuscan.git#egg=coreuscan
Author: Kristy Horan
- Find a database for a species and particular scheme
- Download an existing cgMLST scheme (or 7 gene MLST) from a database
usage: coreuscan.py [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-l] [-L, --list-db] [-d] [-sp SPECIES]
[-db DB] [-o OUTPATH] [-st SCHEMA_TYPE]
Download MLST schema
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
Search for a species and scheme type. Only possible to
search for one species at a time. Accepted strings are
one of genus, first letter of genus immediately
followed by species (no spaces or punctuation) or
species only
-l, --list show a list species for which schema are currently
available of all available shema. No input required
-L, --list-db list all available databases
-d, --download Download a MLST scheme.
-sp SPECIES, --species SPECIES
REQUIRED if -d selected. The species for which the
MLST scheme is to be downloaded.
-db DB, --database DB
OPTIONAL The location of the MLST database, if known.
For use with, list, search and download
-o OUTPATH, --output OUTPATH
OPTIONAL An output path to save the .fasta files to.
Default is under pwd <species>_schema/
-st SCHEMA_TYPE, --schema_type SCHEMA_TYPE
The type of schema, available options are cg or trad
coreuscan.py -L
Databases available through CoreuScan are:
Core genome schemes are available from:
Pasteur Institute
7 gene MLST schemes are also available from:
Pasteur Institute
coreuscan/coreuscan.py -s ecoli -st cg
Searching for ecoli
A ecoli Core Genome was found as ecoli in Enterobase
coreuscan.py -d -sp listeria -st cg -db Pasteur -o path_for_scheme