- 1
[Feature] 关于relation graph视图改进意见
#1223 opened by 11good11 - 0
[Bug] The text formated as Bulleted list and numbered list donnot warped in the preview panel
#1260 opened by ramonmi - 4
[Feature] Orgmode export
#1213 opened by mfranzil - 6
[Feature] add a API for `update content for templates` so as to use it with Action & Tag
#1257 opened by ramonmi - 1
[Bug] All of my templates have disappeared
#1253 opened by oozy2003 - 17
- 3
- 2
[Bug] Visual bugs in preview when using “Mention in"
#1252 opened by Calorion - 2
- 3
[Bug] Insert template position
#1248 opened by windingwind - 5
[Bug] Inserting a link to another note at the end of a note always inserts at the beginning of the note.
#1239 opened by Calorion - 5
[Bug] Template Editor “Options” menu does nothing
#1245 opened by Calorion - 2
[Bug] Exported notes not syncing with Sync Manager
#1238 opened by macrospecter - 3
- 1
[Bug] "Show in Library" does not work
#1226 opened by Zheng392 - 1
[Feature] Transformations in contextual menu
#1234 opened by Calorion - 1
[Bug] Template Problem
#1241 opened by senornice - 2
[Feature] Unlink all sections dragged into BN at once so that they don't render as links in Obsidian
#1209 opened by jamadab - 2
[Feature] Multi-level relationship graph
#1200 opened by Zheng392 - 1
[Bug] Insert link button not working
#1211 opened by thesaltydispatcher - 3
[Bug] cannot type after typing some math equations
#1216 opened by CSMsamuel - 0
[Bug] better note 链接精灵失效,无法将笔记链接到主笔记
#1231 opened by w-123-yj - 8
Automatically synchronize all notes from the entire Zotero library to Obsidian.
#1198 opened by MuYe142857 - 0
[Feature] Suggest adding shortcuts
#1236 opened by xdreame - 2
[Bug] issue with folder selection when exporting note using the "embed linked notes in the content" option
#1196 opened by QuinnYates - 2
[Feature] Requesting feature to add zotero link to open original pdf when exporting note as "embedded"
#1197 opened by QuinnYates - 2
[Feature] Formula rendering
#1228 opened by fengyefengye - 2
- 7
[Bug] 做筆記時更新頻繁導致閃屏,及已打到下一行但閃屏後只更新到上一行
#1166 opened by 94Claire - 6
#1225 opened by 351jklbhjk - 4
- 3
[Bug] 关于笔记引用文中标记的相关问题
#1222 opened by 351jklbhjk - 2
[Feature] Display the markdown of a given note
#1217 opened by RizzwareEngineer - 1
- 2
- 0
[Bug] Export may be broken and sync doesn't work
#1205 opened by OctopusWen - 2
[Bug] Can not import linked notes
#1201 opened by Yin-HJ - 4
- 5
[Bug] The magic key donot support click by mouse
#1192 opened by ramonmi - 1
[Feature] Markdown自动渲染
#1185 opened by AIR-hl - 6
[Feature] 附件文件夹
#1161 opened by unscrewnk - 2
[Bug] 添加Text后选择的字号大小和颜色不能沿用
#1179 opened by OUTHIM - 1
[Feature] Supported Emojis/Symbols
#1173 opened by econstar - 1
[Feature] 在单独的窗口编辑笔记时,无法将划选的论文内容添加到笔记,不显示添加至笔记按钮。
#1171 opened by zcwang1027 - 1
[Feature] Link Creator中Opened Notes仅显示以Tab打开的Notes
#1167 opened by ramonmi - 1
[Feature] When editing LaTeX mathematical formulas, it would be helpful to provide highlighting.
#1169 opened by csdui - 7
[Bug] 无法将pdf的英文原文粘贴到笔记
#1163 opened by guaguastandup - 3
- 3
[Bug] 同步会卡住
#1158 opened by unscrewnk - 1
[Feature] 支持仅高亮,不默认添加笔记
#1157 opened by FenglongSong