
Plugin to use Stable Diffusion in Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Image assets generation using Stable Diffusion web UI within Unity


You can generate image assets on Unity.

  • Depth to Image
  • Text to Image
  • Image to Image

Recomended Environment

  • OS: Windows
  • VRAM: 8GB~
  • Unity version: Unity2021
    • RenderPipeline: URP

Installation and Running

Please see Documents for more informations.

  1. Download latest unitypackage from Release page.
  2. Import the unitypackage to your unity project.
  3. Install stable diffusion webui
    We have options for the webui which you use for this project
    • Internal StableDiffusion
      This is the Default option. Witchpot's custom webui.
      StableDiffusion will be automatically installed in C drive User folder.
    • External StableDiffusion
      You can use your own locally installed webui.
      Requirement: You need to preinstalled forked webui from AUTOMATIC1111
      To enable the webui api mode, add the following option to the bat file
      set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--api
      Please specify the path of the webui-user.bat path for the External bat path.
  4. Start Server from Menu bar > Witchpot > StartServer
  5. (If you use Internal webui) Wait until installation finished on CommandPrompt: local URL shown when the installation finished
  6. Confirm 2DStageDemo scene
  7. Generate Depth2Img
    Generate image from Depth2Img component.
    Please check PipelineAsset/PrefabVolumeChanger is set when you use the Depth2Img component.
    If blank, set URP-Depth to PipelineAsset and VolumeForDepth prefab to PrefabVolumeChanger.
    Both are in Assets/Plugins/Witchpot/Packages/StableDiffusion/Runtime/Settings.


In Preparation.


Distributed under MIT License. Also this system installs and uses code from our repository (https://github.com/witchpot-studio/stable-diffusion-webui) which fork from Stable Diffusion web UI. If you modify these repository, please apply the GPL v3 license.