
This contains the MTAAC pipeline for annotation of Sumerian syntax

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MTAAC Syntax Pipeline

This contains the MTAAC pipeline for the rule-based annotation of Sumerian syntax as described by

Chiarcos, C., Khait, I., Pagé-Perron, É., Schenk, N., Fäth, C., Steuer, J., ... & Wang, J. (2018). Annotating a low-resource language with LLOD technology: Sumerian morphology and syntax. Information, 9(11), 290.

Along with other techniques (e.g., annotation projection), this workflow was applied to produce the Electronic Text Corpus of Syntactically Annotated Neo-Sumerian (ETCSANS).


  • 2020-10-30 updates -- IK
  • 2019-05-06 workflow integration prototype -- IK
  • 2018-11-01 moved to separate repository -- IK
  • 2018-09-15 updates for MTAAC corpus -- IK
  • 2017-12-12 initial prototype for ETSCRI corpus -- CC
  • 2017-10-13 UniMorph linking -- LR
  • 2017-08-29 created original repository with ETSCRI sample data, https://github.com/cdli-gh/mtaac_work -- CC


The syntax pipeline has been developed in the project "Machine Translation and Automated Annotation of Cuneiform Languages" (MTAAC, 2017-2020, funded by DFG, NEH, SSHRC).

The underlying transformation engine, CoNLL-RDF/Fintan has been developed in the context of the project "Linked Open Dictionaries" (LiODi, 2015-2022, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF) and further extended in the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action "Pret-a-LLOD. Ready-to-use Multilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors" (ERC, 2019-2022).


IK - Ilya Khait, GU Frankfurt, Germany CC - Christian Chiarcos, GU Frankfurt, Germany LR - Lucas Reckling