
This repository is the official submission of EPIC Lab for no external annotation track of SAPIEN ManiSkill Challenge 2021.


Please see environment.yml, we build our method on top of ManiSkill-Learn.


Please download ManiSkill demonstration dataset from here and store it in the folder training/data.


The training code is provided in training.

OpenCabinetDoor: run the shell command training/scripts/train_rl_agent/run_GAIL_door.sh

OpenCabinetDrawer: run the shell command training/scripts/train_rl_agent/run_SAC_drawer.sh

PushChair: run the shell command training/scripts/train_rl_agent/run_GAIL_chair.sh

MoveBucket: run the shell command training/scripts/train_rl_agent/run_SAC_bucket.sh


The evaluation code and the submisstion checkpoints of four tasks are provided in evaluation. You can use evaluate_policy.py from ManiSkill to run the model:

PYTHONPATH=YOUR_SOLUTION_DIRECTORY:$PYTHONPATH python mani_skill/tools/evaluate_policy.py --env ENV_NAME

For example, on OpenCabinetDoor, to evaluate the model:

PYTHONPATH=evaluation/Door:$PYTHONPATH python evaluate_policy.py --env OpenCabinetDoor-v0

Trained models

Our trained models can be found at:

OpenCabinetDoor: Checkpoint

OpenCabinetDrawer: Checkpoint

PushChair: Checkpoint

MoveBucket: Checkpoint