

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Computer Vision

  1. Camera Calibration
    1.1 Corner detection
    1.2 Find the intrinsic matrix
    1.3 Find the extrinsic matrix
    1.4 Find the distortion matrix
  2. Augmented Reality
  3. Stereo Disparity Map
  4. SIFT
    4.1 Show keypoints
    4.2 Show matching keypoints
    4.3 Angle of two images
  5. VGG16_Classifier
  6. Background Subtraction
  7. Optical Flow
  8. Perspective Transform
  9. PCA Image Reconstruction
  10. ResNet50_Classifier

Deep Learning

  1. RTS_Based on LSTM to predict the time of user uses phone

Deep Reinforcement Learning

  1. Q learning/FrozenLake
  2. Q learning/Taxi-v2
  3. Deep Q Learning/Doom
  4. Deep Q Learning/Space Invaders
  5. Dueling Double DQN with PER and fixed-q targets
  6. Policy Gradients/Cartpole
  7. Policy Gradients/Doom
  8. Policy Gradients/Doom Deathmatch

Graph Neural Netowrks

  1. 2021_Stanford_CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs

Machine Learning

  1. Fuzzy-c-Means

Medical Images

  1. Unet

Recommender Systems

  1. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm
  2. Based on Seq2Seq Model Recommendation Algorithm

Robot Navigation

  1. Lab1 Kinematic Model & Path Tracking Control
  2. Lab2 Path Planning
  3. Lab3 Fast-SLAM
  4. Lab 4 & Homework 2 ORB-SLAM on Jetbot
  5. lab5 Pytorch Segmentation
  6. Lab6 Mapless Navigation DDPG
  7. hw1-Navigation