
a computational tool for identifying cell-state associated alternative splicing events in scRNA-seq data

Primary LanguagePython


Psix is a computational tool for identifying cell-state associated alternative splicing events in single cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data, described in Buen Abad Najar et al, 2022.

Inspired by autocorrelation approaches, Psix will tell you if an exon's splicing is significantly associated with a cell metric that shows the relationships between single cells. In practice, this map could be a low-dimensional representation of the gene expression of a single cell population. Psix also identified modules of potentially co-regulated exons.

Coverage dependent biases add unwanted technical variation to splicing observations in single cells. Psix uses a probabilistic approach to fit two models for each exon:

  • Model 1: exon usage is cell-state associated. Under this model, each cell's is more likely to be similar to the average of its neighbors, than to the global average.
  • Model 2: exon usage is independent of cell state. Under this model, each cell's is equally likely to be similar to the average of its neighbors, than to the global average.

By comparing the probability of the observations given each model, Psix estimates a score. The higher the score of an exon, the more confident we are that the exon is cell-state associated.

A few examples of running Psix on smart-seq2 data:


Psix is a Python module and it requires Python version 3.7 or higher. Psix is installed directly from github using the following command:

pip install git+https://github.com/lareaulab/psix.git

Missing package dependencies will be automatically installed.

Psix input

1. SJ.out.tab files OR STARsolo SJ features

For calculating the matrix of exon . We recommend mapping raw scRNA-seq reads using STAR version ≥ 2.5.3a. Psix uses the SJ.out.tab files from the STAR aligner. Individual files from each single cell should be stored in the same directory with the following naming format: cellID.SJ.out.tab. The files can be gzipped (ending with .gz), or uncompressed. Additionally, Psix can also work with the output of STARsolo when passing the argument --soloFeatures SJ.

2. Cassette exon annotation

This consists of a table specifying the location (chromosome, start and end) of splice junctions. Splice junctions are annotated as supporting the inclusion of a cassette exon (_I1 and _I2), supporting its exclusion (_SE), or constitutive (_CI). You can download ready-to-use mouse (mm10) and human (hg38) annotations here. For creating your own cassette exon annotation from GTF files, see GTF2psix.

3. TPM matrix (for smart-seq2 only)

For estimating the number of mRNA molecules captured per observation, using the normalization described in Qiu et al., 2017 and in Buen Abad Najar et al., 2020. The TPM matrix of gene expression can be obtained running different methods. We use RSEM version ≥ 1.2.31 because it can be run using STAR as the aligner. Other methods such as Kallisto can also be used to generate this matrix. This is only required for smart-seq2 data. Go to Running Psix in UMI data to see the details about running Psix on UMI data.

4. Low-dimensional cell space

To obtain a metric of phenotypic similarity between single cells. A low-dimensional cell space is provided by the user, since Psix does not perform dimensionality reduction. In principle Psix can run with any metric. However, we recommend using interpretable dimensionality reduction methods such as PCA, or a latent space from scvi-tools. We recommend using non-interpretable methods such as tSNE or UMAP for visualization only.

For small smart-seq2 datasets (fewer than 5000 cells), we recommend using SCONE to select the best normalization method before applying a linear dimensionality reduction such as PCA. Alternatively, other methods such as ZINB-Wave can be used on this data. For larger datasets, we recommend using the latent space of scVI as the low-dimensional cell space.

Getting started

This section was written with smart-seq2 data in mind, but running Psix on UMI data is not much different. For the specifics on running Psix on UMI-based scRNA-seq data, go to Running Psix in UMI data.

Psix requires four inputs from the user:

  • A directory containing SJ.out.tab files from STAR. This is used to calculate the exon's observed .
  • A matrix of gene expression in transcripts per million (TPM; for smart-seq2 data only). This is used to estimate the captured mRNA molecules per observation.
  • A low-dimensional cell space; e.g., a PCA projection of normalized gene expression. This is used to define cell neighborhoods.
  • A cassette exon annotation of splice junctions. Ready-to-use mouse (mm10) and human (hg38) annotations are provided here.

Creating a Psix object with smart-seq2 data

You can import Psix and create a Psix object by running:

import psix
psix_object = psix.Psix()

This will create an empty Psix object. To run Psix, we have to first calculate the observed and estimate the number of mRNA molecules captured per observation.

From cellID.SJ.out.tab files

If we have a directory with individual SJ.out.tab files for each cell (each the result of running STAR individually on each cell), we can simply run:


The optional argument save_files_in will create a directory where Psix will store the and mRNA counts matrices for future use.

You can access the table with psix_object.adata.uns['psi'].

Note in case that you are getting very few exons:

Psix automatically will only keep exons that have a between 0.05 and 0.95; and that have enough reads to be observed in at least 25% of the cells. These requirements might be too strict for some datasets, resulting in very few or no exons at all making the cut. There are two options to address this issue:

The first option would be to adjust these filters using the optional arguments minPsi and min_observed when running junctions2psi. E.g., setting minPsi=0.01, min_observed=0.05 would keep exons with a between 0.01 and 0.99, and that are observed in 5% of the cells. Relaxing these filters might increase the number of exons on which Psix will run.

The second option is to run Psix in a subset of the cells. This can be done by passing the optional argument cell_list, followed by a list object with the cell IDs that you want to select. This would be particularly useful if you have a diverse dataset, but you want to analyze the splicing of a gene that is only expressed in a particular subpopulation of cells.

Notice that in some unfortunate cases, a dataset might simply not be fit for a single-cell splicing analysis. In extremely sparse datasets, only a handful of exons in a small number of cells might have enough reads to pass the filters.

From STARsolo features

If you are aligning the raw reads using STARsolo, make sure to pass the argument --soloFeatures SJ. You can create a Psix object directly from the raw output of STARsolo by passing the argument solo=True when running junctions2psi:

        solo = True

/path/to/STARsolo_output/Solo.out/SJ/raw/ should contain the output of runnign STARsolo with the argument --soloFeatures SJ. This will contain three files generated by STARsolo: features.tsv, barcodes.tsv and matrix.mtx.

Note that the output of soloFeatures SJ is a matrix with all possible cell barcodes, even those with no reads. To avoid excessive runtime or memory useage, filter this SJ matrix using the overall gene expression matrix to remove cell barcodes with no data.

From PSI and mRNA per exon tables

Saving the and mRNA counts matrices with the optional argument save_files_in allows us to skip this step after running junctions2psi for the first time. This is done by specifying the location of the and mRNA counts matrices when creating a Psix object:

from psix import Psix
psix_object = Psix(psi_table = 'psix_output/psi.tab.gz',
                   mrna_table = 'psix_output/mrna.tab.gz')

From splice junctions table (recommended for simulations only)

You can use a table of splice junction counts to create a Psix object, as follows:


Notice that this step does not require the intron annotations files, but the argument still needs to be passed as an empty string. This function can be useful when loading data from simulations like we do here. Outside of this context, we recommend creating a Psix object directly from cellID.SJ.out.tab files, or from the and mRNA tables created from a previously saved Psix object.

The names of the splice junctions in the table should follow the format from the table psix_output/splice_junctions.tab.gz that is obtained by passing the argument save_files_in.

Getting cell-state associated exons

After creating a Psix object, we can obtain the Psix scores of each exon by running:


By default, Psix divides the exons into 25 sets according to their variance (five bins) and averge (five bins) to calculate the empirical p-values. Estimating the empirical p-values of exons is the most time consuming step of Psix, specially in large datasets. To speed things up, you can run Psix in parallel simply by specifying the number of threads t by passing the argument n_jobs=t.

The results of Psix can be found at psix_object.psix_results in the form of a dataframe with the following information:

Exon psix_score pvals qvals
Mapt_1 2.709381 0.0005 0.001879
Ndrg4_1 2.359093 0.0005 0.001879
Dbn1_1 2.302729 0.0005 0.001879
Mapt_3 1.964202 0.0005 0.001879
Gabrg2_1 1.896363 0.0005 0.001879
... ... ... ...

Notice that the empirical p-values are estimated with exon permutations. For this reason, the Psix score is a better value for ranking exons with very low p-values, than the p-values themselves.

You can access the table with mRNA counts per event with psix_object.adata.uns['mrna_per_event'].

Modules of correlated exons

Psix can find modules of correlated exons by using the neighbor average previously used for fitting the model in which an exon is cell-state associated. Using the neighbor average greatly reduces unwanted noise from the raw data. We can obtain these modules as follows:

psix_object.compute_modules(plot = True)

The modules for each cell-state associated exon can be found at psix_object.modules. This is a pandas Series that maps each exon to the number of the module to which they belong. Each module is assigned an integer. Exons that are not assigned to any module are labeled with -1.

We can also visualize the average normalized splicing of the labeled modules in the single cell population as follows:


Here we show a few examples:

The argument save_plots indicates a directory where the plots are saved in PNG format. Leaving the argument empty (default) will only show the plots, without saving them.

Saving and loading a Psix object

We can save out Psix object for future uses. This will allow us to skip all the preprocessing, scoring and clustering steps. We can save out object by running the following command:

psix_object.save_psix_object(psix_dir = 'psix_output')

This will create a directory named psix_output (if it doesn't exist already), where it will store the Psix object. By default, Psix will not overwrite an existing Psix oject with the same name. If you want to overwrite an existing Psix object, you should use the overwrite=True argument when running save_psix_object.

Next time we need to run Psix, we can load the results of the previous run (including the and mRNA tables, the Psix scores, and modules) by creating a new Psix object as follows:

psix_object = psix.Psix(psix_object = 'psix_output')

Creating a Psix object from UMI data (Beta)

Unique molecular identifier (UMI) based sequencing methods, such as 10X, provide an accurate estimate of how many mRNA molecules are captured per gene. For this reason, when running Psix on such data, we do not need to approximate the number of mRNA molecules by normalizing TPM counts. We specify to Psix that we are working with UMI data on the junctions2psi function:

import psix

psix_object = psix.Psix()
        tenX = True

The TenX = True argument will let Psix know that it is working with UMI data. Notice that the tpm_file argument is not included; passing anything when tenX=True will be ignored. Not specifying a tpm_file when tenX=False (by default) will result in an error.

After running junctions2psi, the rest of the analysis is the same as when working with smart-seq2 data, including saving the processed tables, and the Psix object.

A note on large datasets (Beta)

By default, Psix works on Pandas dataframes with dtype=np.float64. With this settings, extremely large datasets can run into memory issues when compiling all the splicing junctions (especially before filtering). To avoid these issues, you can pass the argument dtype=np.float32 or dtype=np.float16 to junctions2psi. This will reduce the memory storage of handling the splice junction matrix. After estimating the observed , Psix will transform np.float16 values into np.float32 to make them compatible with numba.

Currently not supported for solo data.

Psix turbo

The most time consuming step of Psix is calculating the Psix score of each cell. When estimating the score of large datasets, specially when estimating the p-values, this can make Psix take a few hours to run. To work around these time limitations, we implemented a turbo functionality for Psix. Psix Turbo uses predefined look-up tables to efficiently assign a Psix score to each cell at a minor cost in accuracy.

To use Psix turbo, we need to pre-compute look-up tables first as follows:

import psix
psix.make_turbo(out_dir = 'psix_turbo/', 
                granularity = 0.01, 
                max_mrna = 20, 
                capture_efficiency = 0.1, 
                min_probability = 0.01

This will create a directory with the look-up tables at psix_turbo/. You can download a pre-computed directory of look-up tables here.

Once we have out look-up table index, we can tun Psix turbo simply by specifying the location of this directory when running run_psix:


This will cut the runtime several orders of magnitude shorter at a small cost in accuracy.