
FOWARD(FowardBase) pass is recognized as ScriptableRenderPipeline

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I'm not sure it is intended or not but the Standard shader has a pass name as "FORWARD". of course terrain/standard shader's name is the same as the Standard shader. and I think in this project, it gets a shader's pass name from ShaderPassLightModeConverter.GetLightModeByPasssName(shader, pass);
I'm not familiar with this method but according to its name, it should return the Pass Name(by the way, it seems this method has a typo "Passs" lol)

well, since the Standard script has a Name "FORWARD" as its Pass name, then shouldn't we add the line to ShaderCompileInfo.GetPassType() to follow?

case "FOWARD":
   return PassType.FowardBase;

and I've just noticed "VERTEXLMRGBM" is obsoleted. and this project uses it as FowardBase. maybe just needed an update I guess?