Status: Heavy development (you might run into crashes as the library is being developed, sorry in advance).
This is an instance of the loco framework for locomotion, using DART as physics backend. As explained in the core repository, the idea is to provide a kind of abstraction layer on top of various physics backends, and allow you to just focus on making your experiment regardless of the details of each specific backend.
I will be adding more documentation as I develop the library, and sorry in advance as I might forget to update the docs from time to time. However, one main objective is to write comprehensive documentation, and I will be doing it on the go. If you have any suggestions/issues, just post an issue or contact me at .
Install dependencies for the visualizer:
# build-tools
sudo apt install make cmake pkg-config
# dependencies for the visualizer
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev libglew-dev
Install dependencies for DART-sim
# DART-sim dependencies
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev libassimp-dev libccd-dev libfcl-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev libopenscenegraph-dev libbullet-dev
Install fork of DART-sim
to the ~/.dart
# Get our fork of dart-sim (adds some helper functionality)
git clone
# Build dart-sim in release-mode and using shared-libraries
cd dart && mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
# Install dart-sim to the ~/.dart location in your system
make install
# Add libraries to library PATH (add this line to the bottom of your .bashrc file)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="~/.dart/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
# clone this repository (comes without dependencies)
git clone
# clone the third_party dependencies
cd tysocDart && ./scripts/
# build the project
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j4