Original code developed by Brandon Amos.
This repository contains my open source reading list. I keep track of books by editing the files here and the results are automatically published as a website at http://wrideout.github.io/reading-list.
- Plaintext and friendly data format.
- Minimal hosting and deployment overhead.
- Offline editing support.
- Linux and OSX. Windows should also work with Cygwin, but I haven't tried. Please file any issues related to this.
- YAML data.
- GitHub Pages hosts and automatically deploys a 100% client-side website that can also be edited offline. Bower manages 3rd party library dependencies used on the site, stored in bower.json.
- Fork or copy the contents of this repository into a new GitHub repository.
Make sure the default branch is set to
for deployment. At this point, you should be able to see my site hosted at.http://<your-github-name>.github.io/reading-list
- Update the data and personalize index.html. Push your changes to GitHub to see them immediately on the new site.
- Replace links to http://bamos.github.io/reading-list with your URL.
Most browsers will not be able to open index.html
from the filesystem because the js loads YAML resources.
One workaround is to use start a simple Python static
web server with python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer
and access the website with localhost:8000
Run bower update
to obtain the dependencies in bower_components
Run ./update-vendor-deps.sh
to copy the necessary portions into vendor.
The scripts directory contains Haskell and Ruby scripts to select random books and quotes from data/finished.yaml.
The Goodreads Ruby script by @seanosaur uses Goodreads' API to import books into data files. Please follow their ToS and add appropriate references to Goodreads if this is used.
Warning: This script only pulls the first 200 books. Improvements to this are being tracked in this issue.
The following projects inspired me to create a GitHub-hosted reading list.
Name | Stargazers | Description |
cmonty/reading-list | 8 | Track books I've read and any thoughts I've had. Also uses Wiki to track knowledge. |
coryschires/reading-list | 18 | List of books and screencasts related to development, user experience design, and entrepreneurship. |
DavidRagone/reading_list | 2 | List of books I have read related to development, user experience design, and entrepreneurship |
eightbitraptor/reading_list | 19 | |
engeld/reading-list | 0 | A collection of my reading list and notes. |
gbtekkie/ReadingList | 2 | handy collection of tekkie readings |
jaredcacurak/reading-list | 3 | My reading list. |
Ping me if you'd like to be added or removed.
Name | Stargazers | Description |
0x0af/doiread | 0 | |
aerovolts/reading-list | 0 | My personal reading list. |
Donovon/reading-list | 0 | My reading list. |
seanosaur/reading_list | 2 |
All portions are MIT licensed by Brandon Amos unless otherwise noted.
This project uses and modifies the following open source projects and resources. Modifications remain under the original license.
Project | Modified | License |
Twitter bootstrap | No | MIT |
handlebars.js | No | MIT License |
IronSummitMedia/startbootstrap-grayscale | Yes | Apache 2 |
makeusebrew/bootbox | No | MIT |
MathJax | No | Apache |
Flickr Photo | Yes | cc by-nc-sa 2.0 |
TimelineJS | No | Mozilla Public License |