

  1. Install youBot ROS packages e.g.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-youbot-driver-ros-interface
  1. Install v-rep (http://www.v-rep.eu/) into i.e. /opt/v-rep

  2. Clone the repository into your catkin workspace

  3. Copy vrep_common and vrep_plugin ros packages to your catkin workspace

    $ cp -r /opt/v-rep/programming/ros_packages/vrep_plugin ~/catkin_ws/src/ $ cp -r /opt/v-rep/programming/ros_packages/vrep_common ~/catkin_ws/src/

  4. Compile

    $ catkin_make

  5. Copy the compiled libraries libv_repExtyouBot.so and libv_repExtRos.so into your /opt/v-rep directory

    $ sudo cp ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/libv_repExt* /opt/v-rep


  1. Start ros

    $ roscore

  2. Load v-rep bringup launchfile

    $ roslaunch vrep_youbot_plugin vrep_youbot.launch

  3. Start v-rep

    $ /opt/v-rep/v-rep.sh

  4. Load the scene file in v-rep (.../vrep_youbot_plugin/scenes/...)

  5. Start the simulation

Note: the simulation must be running before you can control the youBot!

Test ROS plugin

  1. You can run the test scripts (test/test_joint_position.sh, test_gripper_position.sh, test_base.sh) in order to check if your are able to control the v-rep youBot using ROS

Have fun!