Analysis package for processing counts from genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screens

Primary LanguagePython

In the subdirectories here you will find:


The JACKS python package (please see jacks/README.txt for usage instructions)


Scripts and README files with location of results and data for the JACKS 2018 paper.


Trained values for JACKS's gRNA efficacies for the Avana, GeCKOv2, Yusa 1.0, TKOv1 and Whiteahead libraries as generated for the 2018 JACKS paper. These can be used with run_JACKS.py to evaluate screens on these libraries without re-running the full analysis.

run app locally:

create env python3 -m venv venv pip install -r ./server/requirements.txt

cd /Users/gn5/Documents/JACKS
. venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP=main2.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
export PYTHONPATH=/Users/gn5/Documents/JACKS:/Users/gn5/Documents/JACKS/server:/Users/gn5/Documents/JACKS/jacks
celery -A main2.celery worker --loglevel=DEBUG -E
celery -A main2.celery flower --loglevel=DEBUG -E
python server/main2.py

flask run doesn't work with socketIO