
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Filesystem Reporting

Generate reports and visualisations of filesystem usage, grouped by:

  • Filesystem
    • Lustre
    • NFS
    • Warehouse
    • iRODS
  • Organisational Unit
    • Unix User
    • Unix Group
      • PI
  • File Type
    • CRAMs
    • BAMs
    • Indices (*.{crai,bai,sai,fai,csi})
    • Compressed (*.{bzip2,gz,tgz,zip,xz,bgz,bcf})
    • Uncompressed ({README,*.{sam,fasta,fastq,fa,fq,vcf,csv,tsv,txt,text}})
    • Checkpoints (*jobstate.context)
    • Log files (*.{log,stdout,stderr,o,out,e,err})
    • Temporary (*{tmp,temp}*)
    • Other (everything else)

Specifically, we are interested in:

  • Total inodes
  • Total size of data
  • Total cost, relative to ctime


  • Bash (4.2, or higher)
  • GNU Awk
  • GNU coreutils (8.21, or higher)
  • teepot
  • R (packages: dplyr, ggplot2, xtable, functional)
  • LaTeX (packages: datetime, fancyhdr, parskip, mathpazo, eulervm)


File paths in the mpistat data are base64 encoded. For aggregating by filetype, the data must be preclassified:

zcat lustre01.dat.gz | ./classify-filetype.sh

This appends a field to the mpistat data containing the filetype and streams it to stdout.

mpistat data can be aggregated using aggregate-mpistat.sh, taking uncompressed data from stdin:

zcat lustre01.dat.gz lustre02.dat.gz | ./aggregate-mpistat.sh

The aggregation is output to stdout as tab-delimited data with the following fields:

  1. Filesystem type
  2. Organisational tag (group or user)
  3. Organisational ID (Unix group ID or user ID)
  4. Filetype tag (all, cram, bam, index, compressed, uncompressed, checkpoint, log, temp or other)
  5. Total inodes
  6. Total size (bytes)
  7. Total cost since last changed (GBP)

The aggregation script takes three optional, positional arguments:

  1. The filetype tag filter, defaulting to all. Note that if the input data has not been preclassified by filetype, the aggregation step will fail.
  2. The Unix time from which to base cost calculation, defaulting to the current system time.
  3. The filesystem type from which to base the cost calculation, defaulting to lustre.

The filesystem types, that define cost per terabyte year, are enumerated in fs-cost.map. Note also that, for shared filesystems, it may be worth filtering the mpistat data before classifying and/or aggregating it; for example, by group.

Aggregated data can be mapped to PI by running it through map-to-pi.sh. This script strips out any user records and replaces group records with an appropriate pi record, using gid-pi_uid.map:

zcat foo.dat.gz | ./aggregate-mpistat.sh | ./map-to-pi.sh

Note that this will not aggregate records by PI, it's strictly a mapping operation. It defines a third organisational tag, pi, in the aggregated output, where the organisation ID (third field) is the PI's Unix user ID (per the mapping definition).

An additional mapping step can then be applied, which maps Unix user and group IDs to their human readable counterparts; defined in uid-user.map and gid-group.map, respectively. Note that a full join (in relational algebra terms) is performed, so any records in the aggregated data without a corresponding mapping will be lost; this can be beneficial when looking at subsets of data. The mapping can be performed using the map-to-readable.sh convenience script, which reads from stdin and writes to stdout:

cat lustre01-logs lustre01-logs-by_pi | ./map-to-readable.sh

Final aggregation/merging can be done using the merge-aggregates.sh script:

./merge-aggregates.sh lustre01-all lustre01-cram lustre01-cram-by_pi

This will produce the output data that drives report generation.

Once the completely aggregated output has been produced, it can be run through generate-assets.R, which will generate the tables, plots and LaTeX source for the final report. The script takes three positional arguments:

  1. The path to the aggregated output.
  2. The output directory for the report assets.
  3. The data aggregation date (optional; defaults to today).

It will produce assets named OUTPUT_DIR/FILESYSTEM-ORG_TAG.EXT -- for example, /path/to/assets/lustre-pi.pdf for the plot of Lustre data usage by PI -- as well as OUTPUT_DIR/report.tex, which makes use of these. (Note that the PI assets are unconstrained, but the group and user assets will be limited to the top 10, by cost.)

The final report can be compiled using LaTeX. For example:

cd /path/to/assets
latexmk -pdf report.tex


To compile the aggregated data (i.e., running the complete pipeline as outlined above) into the final report, a convenience script is available that will submit the pipeline to an LSF cluster:

submit-pipeline.sh [--output FILENAME]
                   [--work-dir DIRECTORY]
                   [--bootstrap SCRIPT]
                   [--base TIME]
                   [--email ADDRESS]
                   [--lustre INPUT_DATA]
                   [--nfs INPUT_DATA]
                   [--warehouse INPUT_DATA]
                   [--irods INPUT_DATA]
                   [--lsf-STEP OPTION...]

Taking the following options:

Option Behaviour
--output FILENAME Write the report to FILENAME, defaulting to $(pwd)/report.pdf
--work-dir DIRECTORY Use DIRECTORY for the pipeline's working files, defaulting to the current working directory
--bootstrap SCRIPT Source SCRIPT at the beginning of each job in the pipeline
--base TIME Set the base time to TIME, defaulting to the current system time
--mail ADDRESS E-mail address to which the completed report is sent; can be specified multiple times
--lustre INPUT_DATA INPUT_DATA for a Lustre filesytem; can be specified multiple times
--nfs INPUT_DATA INPUT_DATA for a NFS filesytem; can be specified multiple times
--warehouse INPUT_DATA INPUT_DATA for a warehouse filesytem; can be specified multiple times
--irods INPUT_DATA INPUT_DATA for an iRODS filesytem; can be specified multiple times
--lsf-STEP OPTION... Provide LSF OPTIONs to the STEP job submission; can be specified multiple times

Note that at least one --lustre, --nfs, --warehouse or --irods option must be specified with its INPUT_DATA readable from the cluster nodes. In addition to the final report, its source aggregated data will be compressed alongside it, with the extension .dat.gz. Otherwise, the working directory and its contents will be deleted upon successful completion; as such, do not set the output or any logging to be written inside the working directory.

A number of environment variables can also be set to constrain how aggressively the pipeline utilises the LSF cluster:

Environment Variable Default Behaviour
CHUNK_SIZE 536870912 Approximate input data chunk size (bytes)
MAX_CHUNKS 20 Maximum number of input data chunks
CONCURRENT MAX_CHUNKS Number of chunks to process concurrently

Note that CHUNK_SIZE ought to decrease as MAX_CHUNKS increases, otherwise the constraints won't balance each other; MAX_CHUNKS should not exceed your LSF MAX_JOB_ARRAY_SIZE value. Lowering CHUNK_SIZE should produce output faster, but your cluster administrators and fellow users won't be happy with you! Ideally, CONCURRENT should match the number of chunks produced, but with many chunks, this may cause significant scheduling latency.

The following STEPs make up the pipeline and are run in the following order:

  • split Splits and distributes the decompressed input data for each filesystem type into chunks, based on the aforementioned constraints set by environment variables. Round robin distribution is used to ensure even chunk sizes and heterogeneity, to maintain efficient parallelism in subsequent steps. Please ensure your working directory can contain the decompressed input data for the duration of the pipeline.