
Yet Another Terraform Ansible Dynamic Inventory Script (yatadis)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Yet Another Terraform Ansible Dynamic Inventory Script (yatadis)

An ansible dynamic inventory script which takes Terraform state files as input.

In contrast with other Terraform ansible dynamic inventory scripts, this one aims to be configurable to match your environment. It implements this using Jinja2 templates to specify how Terraform resource attributes should be mapped onto ansible inventory name, group, and host_vars.

Basic usage

Ansible calls dynamic inventory scripts with either the --list or --host option, but no additional arguments. For that reason, yatadis accepts all of its options from environment variables:

  • TF_STATE: a path to a local terraform.tfstate file (default: terraform.tfstate in the current directory)
  • TF_ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_NAME_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform resource to generate the ansible inventory name (default: {{ name }} which is the resource name (TYPE+NAME) from Terraform and is guaranteed to be unique within a state file).
  • TF_ANSIBLE_GROUPS_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform resource to generate a newline-delimited list of ansible groups to which the resource should belong (default: all which simply assigns all hosts to the all group)
  • TF_ANSIBLE_RESOURCE_FILTER_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform resource and should produce either True (to include the resource) or False (to exclude the resource). (default: {{ type in ["aws_instance","azure_instance","clc_server","digitalocean_droplet","google_compute_instance","openstack_compute_instance_v2","softlayer_virtualserver","triton_machine","ucs_service_profile","vsphere_virtual_machine"] }} which is suitable to limit to instance/machine resources from a variety of Terraform providers.
  • TF_ANSIBLE_HOST_VARS_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform resource and should generate a newline-delimited list of host_var settings in the format <host_var>=<value>. (default: a template that will set ansible_host to the IP of the instance/machine as well as setting all resource attributes prefixed with tf_ - see source code for details).
  • TF_ANSIBLE_OUTPUT_INVENTORY_NAME_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform output to generate the ansible inventory name (default: {{ name }} which is the output name from terraform).
  • TF_ANSIBLE_OUTPUT_GROUPS_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform output to generate a newline-delimited list of ansible groups to which the output should belong (default: all which simply assigns all outputs to the all group)
  • TF_ANSIBLE_OUTPUT_FILTER_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform output and should produce either True (to include the output) or False (to exclude the output). (default: False which does not produce any ansible inventory records for any Terraform outputs.
  • TF_ANSIBLE_OUTPUT_HOST_VARS_TEMPLATE: a Jinja2 template string that is applied to each Terraform output and should generate a newline-delimited list of host_var settings in the format <host_var>=<value>. (default: `` which produces no host vars for any outputs).

If you are happy with the defaults, and can arrange for the TF_STATE environment variable to be set to the path to the terraform.tfstate file, then you can just install the yatadis.py script in the ansible inventory directory, make sure it is executable, and that all of the python modules it depends on are installed on the machine on which you run ansible.

In practice, you will most likely want to call yatadis.py from a wrapper script (such as a bash script) that you install into the inventory directory in place of yatadis.py itself and which sets those variables appropriately. For example, here is a simple shell script that simply invokes yatadis.py after setting the path to the terraform.tfstate file:


export TF_STATE=/path/to/terraform.tfstate
/path/to/yatadis.py $@

You can also specify any of these options on the command line (for testing purposes) - the command line argument is simply the environment variable name without the "TF" prefix:

./yatadis.py --list --state /path/to/terraform.tfstate

Adding terraform resources to ansible groups

The defaults may be all you need, as all of the primary attributes of each Terraform compute resource will be available in ansible as host_vars with the prefix "tf_", and you can use ansible dynamic groups (using the group_by module to add hosts to groups based on those host_vars values).

For example, in your site playbook you might add the following:

- hosts: all
    - group_by: key=tf_image_{{ tf_image_name }}

If you had a resource with a Terraform image_name of ubuntu_16.04 then it should now be a member of the ansible group tf_image_ubuntu_16.04

Alternatively, yatadis can assign hosts to ansible groups for you without the need for ansible's dynamic group functionality.

To do this you will need to set the TF_ANSIBLE_GROUPS_TEMPLATE Jinja2 template such that it returns a newline-delimited list of groups to which a host should belong.

For example, to add all instances to a group named after the resource provider and prefixed with tf_provider_, you could use the following wrapper script:

export TF_ANSIBLE_GROUPS_TEMPLATE='{{ ["all", "tf_provider_"+provider] | join("\n") }}'
export TF_STATE=/path/to/terraform.tfstate
/path/to/yatadis.py $@

Template context

The context provided to the Jinja2 templates is a dict-like Resource object containing the same fields as the Terraform state resource fields. There is also an additional top-level entry called 'name' which contains the resource name (i.e. the key value of the resource entry). Finally, in addition to the primary.attributes section (in flattened 'flatmap' format as it is in the Terraform state file), there is also an primary.expanded_attributes section alongside it which has been expanded into nested dist and list structures.

Advanced host_vars templating

As a special case, since ansible host_vars can contain complex data structures, if the values output by the host_vars template are a dict or a list, they will be evaluated as such rather than as a string, so that the resulting ansible host_vars entry can contain complex data structures.

For example, the following (uninteresting) example would assign the foo_dict and abc123_list host_vars to every resource:

foo_dict={'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3}
abc123_list=['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3]
export TF_STATE=/path/to/terraform.tfstate
/path/to/yatadis.py $@