
Use ArUcO markers with ROS

Primary LanguageC++

Aruco Markers

(1) Dependencies

  • Core OpenCV 3 & Extra modules
    • You can follow the instructions found here

(2) Marker Generation

This is a simple C++ program (not a ROS node).

  • To compile, cd aruco_markers/src/ & run the following in the terminal:

    g++ aruco_marker_generation.cpp -o aruco_marker_generation `pkg-config --libs opencv` -std=c++11
  • To run:

  • When the OpenCV image window containing a marker image appears, hit the Enter key to continue to build the next one.

  • The images will be saved inside the aruco_markers/default_markers directory.

(3) Find Markers

  • Follow the instructions here to retrieve the camera calibration .yaml file.

    • Note: You need to get the camera calibration parameters to get an accurate marker location estimate.
  • Put the camera_calibration.yaml file inside the aruco_markers/launch/launch_params/ directory.

  • Edit the aruco_markers/launch/find_markers.launch file

    • Edit the default parameters to your needs:

      <!-- Set to true if using image from video device
           Set to false if using image from ROS image topic -->
      <arg name="use_video_device" default="true" />
      <!-- If subscribing to ROS image topic, set above arg use_video_device to false -->
      <arg name="image_topic" default="/camera/color/image_raw" />
      <!-- video device number from /dev/videoX (e.g. /dev/video0) -->
      <arg name="video_device_num" default="0" />
      <!-- loop rate ~ frames per second -->
      <arg name="loop_rate" default="60" />
      <!-- size of markers in meters -->
      <arg name="marker_size" default="0.031" />
    • Update line 11 to the correct filename (i.e. <rosparam command="load" file="$(find aruco_markers)/launch/launch_params/usb_cam_calibration.yaml" />)

  • Compile with catkin_make.

  • Run with roslaunch aruco_markers find_markers.launch

    • You will see the detected markers under the /markers topic.

    • The raw image will be under the /camera/image_raw topic and the drawn marker image under the /camera/image_marker topic.