
A curated list of radar datasets, detection, tracking and fusion

Awesome Radar Perception

A curated list of radar datasets, detection, tracking and fusion.
Keep updating.
Author: Yi Zhou
Contact: zhouyi1023@tju.edu.cn
Update some public-available codes, see useful_codes.md

🚩 The View-of-Delft dataset is public available. Homepage

🚩 There are three papers about radar in the coming CVPR 2022.
Modality-Agnostic Learning for Radar-Lidar Fusion in Vehicle Detection
Raw High-Definition Radar for Multi-Task Learning
Exploiting Temporal Relations on Radar Perception for Autonomous Driving

🚩I have published a review paper on radar perception. Please see the link below. It is open access. If you find the contents are useful, please cite this paper in your work. I will keep updating this repository for the latest works in the radar perception field.

The 41-page slides associated with this paper: Link ; Link for China Mainland

Radar perception is getting popular. More and more researchers from computer vision, intelligent vehicle and robotics are starting to enter this field. I hope my review article and this repository can be a good starting point for these newcomers.



Data Perspective:

Signal Processing:



Radar Datasets

In my review paper, there is a table with more detials.

Conventional Radar Datasets for Autonomous Driving

Dataset Radar Type Data Type Annotation Link
nuScenes Continental ARS408 x5 Sparse PC 3D bbox, TrackID Website
DENSE 77Ghz Long-Range Radar Sparse PC 3D bbox Website
PixSet TI AWR1843 Sparse PC 3D bbox, TrackID Website
Radar Scenes 77GHz Middle-Range Radar x4 Dense PC 2D point-wise, TrackID Website
Pointillism 2 TI AWR 1443 PC 3D bbox Github
Zendar SAR SAR ADC, RD, PC Pointwise Mask of Moving Vehicle Github

Comments: nuScenes, DENSE and Pixset are for sensor fusion, but not particularly address the role of radar. Radar scenes provides point-wise annotations for radar point cloud, but has no other modalities. Pointillism uses 2 radars with overlapped view. Zendar seems no longer available for downloading.

Pre-CFAR Datasets for Detection

Dataset Radar Type Data Type Annotation Link
CRUW TI AWR1843 Ultra Short Range RA Pointlevel Object Website
CARRADA TI AWR1843 Short Range RA,RD,RAD Pointwise, 2D bbox, Mask Website
RADDet TI AWR1843 RAD 3D bbox for RAD tensor Github
RaDICaL TI IWR1443 ADC 2D bbox Website
GhentVRU TI AWR1243 Short Range RAD Segmentation Mask for VRUs Paper

Comments: CARRADA is captured in clean scenarios, CRUW uses RA maps, RADDet provides annotations for RAD tensor, RADICaL provides raw ADC data and signal processing toolboxes, GhentVRU can be accssed by contacting with authors.

4D Radar Datasets for Detection

Dataset Radar Type Data Type Annotation Link
Astyx Hires2019 Astyx 6455 HiRes Middel Range PC 3D bbox Dateset
View-of-Delft ZF FRGen21 Short Range PC 3D bbox Website
RADIal Valeo Middel Range DDM ADC,RAD,PC Point-level Vehicle; Open Space Mask Github
TJ4DRadSet Oculii Eagle Long Range PC 3D bbox, TrackID Github
K-Radar Macnica RETINA RAD 3D bbox, Track ID Github

Comments: Astyx is small, VoD focuses on VRU classification, RADIal's annotation is coarse but provides raw data, TJ4D features for its long range detection, K-Radar provides RAD tensor and 3D annotations. TJ4D and K-radar are not yet public available.

Specific Tasks

Dataset Radar Type Task Link
HawkEye SAR Static vehicle classification Website
PREVENTION Conti ARS308 + SRR208 x2 Trajectory Prediction Website
SCORP 76GHz Open space segmentation Website
Ghost 77GHz long range *2 Ghost object detection Github
Solinteraction Data Soli Tangible interactions Github
GROUNDED Ground Penetrating Radar Localization Website
FloW Dataset TI AWR1843 Floating waste detection Website
OLIMP UWB + Continental ARS404 Multi-sensor fusion for detection Website

Odometry and Localization

Dataset Radar Type Task Link
Oxford Radar Robocar Navtech Spinning Radar Odometry, (Detection) Website; Detection Annotation
RADIATE Navtech Spinning Radar Odometry, Detection, Tracking Website
MulRan Navtech Spinning Radar Place Recognition Website
Boreas Navtech Spinning Radar Long-term Odometry, Localization, Detection Website
EU Long-term Dataset Conti ARS 308 Long-term SLAM Website
ColoRadar TI AWR2243 Cascade + AWR1843 Odometry Website
USVInland TI AWR1843 SLAM in inland waterways, Water segmentation Website
Endeavour Radar Dataset Conti ARS 430 x5 Odometry Website
OdomBeyondVision TI AWR1843 Odometry Website

Human Activity

Dataset Radar Type Data Type Task Link
DopNet 24GHz Spectrogram Gesture Website
MCD-Gesture 77GHz RAD tensor Gesture Website
DeepSoli 60GHz RD map Gesture Website
Radar signatures of human activities 5.8 GHz ADC Human activities Dataset
Ci4R human activity dataset 77GHz & 24GHz & 10GHz Spectrogram Human activities Website
RadHAR 77GHz Point Cloud Human activities Website
Vital Sign 60GHz ADC, heart/breathing rate Child vital sign Dataset

Radar Toolbox


RadarSimPy: Code;
Virtual Radar: Code;
MaxRay: Paper

TI Signal Processing SDK:

RaDICaL's Toolbox: SDK;
PyRapid: SDK;
OpenRadar : SDK;
Pymmw: SDK;
Open radar initiative: SDK;
RADIal's Emptyband-DDM Script: Code

Official SDK:

NXP Premium Radar SDK: Link;
TI mmWAVE Studio: Link;
TI Toolbox: Link;
Matlab Radar Toolbox: Link

Data Capturing:

TI Radar and Camera in Python:Code;
Ainstein Radar ROS Node: ROS Node;
Continental ARS 408 ROS Node: ROS Node;
TI mmWave ROS Driver: Guide;
RaDICaL's TI ROS Node: ROS Node;
UoA's TI ROS Package: ROS Node

Seminars and Workshops

  • 2021 ICRA Radar Perception for All-Weather Autonomy [Website]

  • 2021 ICASSP Recent Advances in mmWave Radar Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles [Website]

  • Radar in Action Series by Fraunhofer FHR [Video]

  • IEEE AESS Virtual Distinguished Lecturer Webinar Series [Website]

  • Journal of Radar Webinar Series (in Chinese) [Video]

  • Markus Gardill: Automotive Radar – An Overview on State-of-the-Art Technology [Video]

  • Markus Gardill: Automotive Radar – A Signal Processing Perspective on Current Technology and Future Systems [Video][Slides]

  • Francesco Fioranelli: Radar Old but Gold- current research challenges and activities in radar micro-Doppler signatures [Video]

  • Andrej Karpathy from Tesla: [Video]

  • Ole Schumann: Radar Perception for Automated Driving – Data and Methods [Video]

  • Sani Ronen from Arbe: Using AI layer to transform HR radar into insights for Autonomous Driving applications [Video]

  • Stefan Haag: Co-Development of Automatic Annotation for ML and Sensor Fusion Improvement System [Video]

  • Arthur Ouaknine: Deep Learning & Scene Understanding for autonomous vehicle [Video]

  • Paul Newman: The Road to Anywhere-Autonomy [Video]

  • Jaime Lien: Soli: Millimeter-wave radar for touchless interaction [Video]

  • Accelerating end-to-end Development of Software-Defined 4D Imaging Radar [Videp]

  • Radar-Imaging - An Introduction to the Theory Behind [Video]

  • NXP - Radar Experts Discuss the Evolution of Automotive Radar [Video]

  • Need to Successfully Design a Milimeter-Wave Automotive Radar Antenna? [Video]

  • Webinar SAR Imaging using Ancortek’s Software Defined Radars [Video]

Review Papers

Radar Hardware:

Radar Signal Processing:

Automotive Radar Applications:

Consumer Radar Applications:

General Object Detection:

Sensor Fusion:

Recommended Books and Tutorials

Radar Textbook

  • Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing by Mark A. Richard
  • Radar Systems Analysis and Design using Matlab by Bassem R. Mahafza

Online Course

Signal Processing

Waveform Comparison

Quadrature Signal


Radar Signature


  • 2022-A Data-driven Approach for Stochastic Modeling of Automotive Radar Detections for Extended Objects GeMic; Paper
  • 2020-Performance Evaluation Of Wide Aperture Radar For Automotive Applications RadarConf; 0.1Deg; Paper
  • 2018-Radar and Lidar Target Signatures of Various Object Types and Evaluation of Extended Object Tracking Methods for Autonomous Driving Applications Paper
  • 2017-Radar Reflection Characteristics of Vehicles for Contour and Feature Estimation FUSION; Paper


  • 2021-Machine Learning-Based Target Classification for MMW Radar in Autonomous Driving Paper
  • 2021-Performance evaluation of a state-of-the-art automotive radar and corresponding modeling approaches based on a large labeled dataset Paper
  • 2021-Open Radar Initiative: Large Scale Dataset for Benchmarking of micro-Doppler Recognition Algorithms RadarConf; Paper
  • 2018-Review of Radar Classification & RCS Characterisation Techniques for Small UAVs or Drones Paper


  • 2019-Phase-Based Target Classification Using Neural Network in Automotive Radar Systems RadarConf; Paper


  • 2021-Open Radar Initiative: Large Scale Dataset for Benchmarking of micro-Doppler Recognition Algorithms RadarConf; Paper
  • 2020-New Radar Micro-Doppler Tag for Road Safety Based on the Signature of Rotating Backscatters Paper
  • 2019-Motion sensing using radar: Gesture interaction and beyond Paper


  • 2019-Polarimetric Signatures of a Passenger Car Paper
  • 2018-Performance Analysis of 79 GHz Polarimetric Radar Sensors for Autonomous Driving Paper
  • 2018-Autonomous Driving Features based on 79 GHz Polarimetric Radar Data Paper



  • 2022-A novel method for calibration and verification of roadsidemillimetre-wave radar Paper
  • 2021-Auto-Calibration of Automotive Radars in Operational Mode Using Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping TVT; Paper
  • 2020-Motion Based Online Calibration for 4D Imaging Radar in Autonomous Driving Applications GeMic; Paper
  • 2018-Multi-Radar Self-Calibration Method using High-Definition Digital Maps for Autonomous Driving ITSC; Paper


  • 2021-A Continuous-Time Approach for 3D Radar-to-Camera Extrinsic Calibration ICRA; Motion ; Paper
  • 2021-Spatio-Temporal Multisensor Calibration Based on Gaussian Processes Moving Object Tracking ToR; Trajectory ; Paper
  • 2019-Targetless Rotational Auto-Calibration of Radar and Camera for Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC; NN; Paper
  • 2015-Radar and vision sensors calibration for outdoor 3D reconstruction ICRA; Paper
  • 2004-Obstacle Detection Using Millimeter-wave Radar and Its Visualization on Image Sequence ICPR; Paper


  • 2020-Extrinsic and Temporal Calibration of Automotive Radar and 3D LiDAR IROS; Paper
  • 2020-Automatic Targetless Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple 3D LiDARs and Radars IROS; Paper
  • 2017-Extrinsic 6DoF calibration of 3D LiDAR and radar RCS; Paper


  • 2022-OpenCalib: A multi-sensor calibration toolbox for autonomous driving Paper; Code
  • 2021-An Joint Extrinsic Calibration Tool for Radar, Camera and Lidar TIV; Paper; Code
  • 2021-Online multi-sensor calibration based on moving object tracking Paper
  • 2019-Extrinsic 6DoF Calibration of a Radar – LiDAR– Camera System Enhanced by Radar Cross Section Estimates Evaluation Paper


  • 2021-Automatic labeling of vulnerable road users in multi-sensor data ITSC; Paper
  • 2021-Rethinking of Radar’s Role: A Camera-Radar Dataset and Systematic Annotator via Coordinate Alignment CVPRW; CRUW; Paper
  • 2021-RADDet: Range-Azimuth-Doppler based Radar Object Detection for Dynamic Road Users CRV; RADDet; Paper
  • 2020-CARRADA Dataset: Camera and Automotive Radar with Range-Angle-Doppler Annotations ICPR; CARRADA; Paper
  • 2020-Radar Artifact Labeling Framework (RALF): Method for Plausible Radar Detections in Datasets Paper
  • 2020-Annotating Automotive Radar efficiently: Semantic Radar Labeling Framework (SeRaLF) Paper
  • 2020- RSS-Net: Weakly-Supervised Multi-Class Semantic Segmentation with FMCW Radar IV; Oxford; PoseChain; Paper
  • 2019-Automated Ground Truth Estimation of Vulnerable Road Users in Automotive Radar Data Using GNSS ICMIM; Paper

Data Augmentation

  • 2022-Multi-class Road User Detection with 3+1D Radar in the View-of-Delft Dataset RAL; PC; Paper
  • 2021-Investigation of Uncertainty of Deep Learning-based Object Classification on Radar Spectra RadarConf; RA; Corruption ; Paper
  • 2021-Data Augmentation in Time and Doppler Frequency Domain for Radar-based Gesture Recognition EuRad; Spectrogram; Paper
  • 2020-RAMP-CNN: A Novel Neural Network for Enhanced Automotive Radar Object Recognition RA; Paper
  • 2020-RADIO Parameterized Generative Radar Data Augmentation for Small Datasets RA; Paper
  • 2016-Convolutional Neural Network With Data Augmentation for SAR Target Recognition GRSL; SAR; Paper


  • 2021-MaxRay: A Raytracing-based Integrated Sensing and Communication Framework OpenSoucre; Paper
  • 2021-Virtual Radar: Real-Time Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor Simulation for Perception-Driven Robotics RAL; OpenSoucre; Paper; Code
  • 2020-Scalable and Physical Radar Sensor Simulation for Interacting Digital TwinsPaper


  • 2020-Simulator Design for Interference Analysis in Complex Automotive Multi-User Traffic Scenarios Paper
  • 2019-Modeling and Simulation of Radar Sensor Artifacts for Virtual Testing of Autonomous Driving Paper


  • 2021-Deep Evaluation Metric: Learning to Evaluate Simulated Radar Point Clouds for Virtual Testing of Autonomous Driving RadarConf; Paper
  • 2021-A Multi-Layered Approach for Measuring the Simulation-to-Reality Gap of Radar Perception for Autonomous Driving IV; Paper
  • 2018-Measurements revealing Challenges in Radar Sensor Modeling for Virtual Validation of Autonomous Driving ITSC; Paper

Generative Model

  • 2021-There and Back Again: Learning to Simulate Radar Data for Real-World Applications ICRA; Simulation_to_RA; Categorical_VAE; Paper
  • 2020-L2R GAN: LiDAR-to-Radar Translation ACCV; Lidar_OGM_to_RD; Oxford ;cGAN; Paper
  • 2020-GenRadar: Self-supervised Probabilistic Camera Synthesis based on Radar Frequencies Journal; RD_to_Image; Categorical_VAE; Paper
  • 2019-Automotive radar and camera fusion using Generative Adversarial Networks Journal; Radar_OGM_to_Image; cGAN; Paper
  • 2017-Deep Stochastic Radar Models IV; Scene_to_RA; VAE; Paper


  • 2021-IMU2Doppler: Cross-Modal Domain Adaptation for Doppler-based Activity Recognition Using IMU Data IMWUT; IMU; Paper
  • 2021-Vid2Doppler: Synthesizing Doppler Radar Data from Videos for Training Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition CHI; Video; Paper


  • 2021-Millimeter-Wave Radar in-the-Loop Testing for Intelligent Vehicles TITS; Paper
  • 2020-On the Testing of Advanced Automotive Radar Sensors by Means of Target Simulators Paper
  • 2017-Surrogate Bicycle Design for Millimeter-Wave Automotive Radar Pre-Collision Testing TITS; Paper


  • 2021-DNN-Based Peak Sequence Classification CFAR Detection Algorithm for High-Resolution FMCW Radar Paper
  • 2020-Object surface estimation from radar images Paper
  • 2020-Deep temporal detection - A machine learning approach to multiple-dwell target detection Paper
  • 2019-DL-CFAR: a Novel CFAR Target Detection Method Based on Deep Learning Paper
  • 2019-Feature Detection With a Constant FAR in Sparse 3-D Point Cloud Data Paper

Super Resolution

  • 2022-A Machine Learning Perspective on Automotive Radar Direction of Arrival Estimation Paper
  • 2021-A New Automotive Radar 4D Point Clouds Detector by Using Deep Learning Paper
  • 2020-Radar Image Reconstruction from Raw ADC Data using Parametric Variational Autoencoder with Domain Adaptation Paper


  • 2021-Supervised Noise Reduction for Clustering on Automotive 4D Radar Paper
  • 2019-A Multi-Stage Clustering Framework for Automotive Radar Data Paper
  • 2019-Robust and Adaptive Radar Elliptical Density-Based Spatial Clustering and labeling for mmWave Radar Point Cloud Data Paper
  • 2018-Supervised Clustering for Radar Applications On the Way to Radar Instance Segmentation Paper
  • 2016-Adaptive Clustering for Contour Estimation of Vehicles for High-Resolution Radar Paper
  • 2012- Grid-Based DBSCAN for Clustering Extended Objects in Radar DataPaper


  • Deep Convolutional Autoencoder Applied for Noise Reduction in Range-Doppler Maps of FMCW Radars
  • Learning from Natural Noise to Denoise Micro-Doppler Spectrogram

Static Objects and Surrounding Environments



Mapping and Localization

Classification of Clusters

SAR & ISAR Imaging

Object Detection


  • 2022-Raw High-Definition Radar for Multi-Task Learning CVPR; RADIAL; Paper


Multiple Radars



  • 2022-Deep Instance Segmentation with Automotive Radar Detection Points TIV; Paper
  • 2022-Improved Orientation Estimation and Detection with Hybrid Object Detection Networks for Automotive Radar
  • 2022-HARadNet: Anchor-free target detection for radar point clouds using hierarchical attention and multi-task learning
  • Radar-PointGNN: Graph Based Object Recognition for Unstructured Radar Point-cloud Data
  • 2021-Radar Voxel Fusion for 3D Object Detection Paper; Code

Sparse 2D Point Cloud

4D Point Cloud

Pre-CFAR Data

Range Azimuth Map

Range Doppler Map

ROD2021 Challenge Paper

Range Azimuth Doppler

Raw Signal

Micro-Doppler Spectrogram

Sensor Fusion

  • 2022- HRFuser: A Multi-resolution Sensor Fusion Architecture for 2D Object Detection Arxiv; CrossAttention; nuScenes ; DENSE ; Paper; Code
  • 2022-A Simple Baseline for BEV Perception Without LiDAR Arxiv; BEVFeature; nuScenes ;Paper
  • 2022-Modality-Agnostic Learning for Radar-Lidar Fusion in Vehicle Detection CVPR; TeacherStudent ;Oxford_Foggy; Paper
  • 2022-Global-Local Feature Enhancement Network for Robust Object Detection using mmWave Radar and Camera ICASSP; ROI+Transformer; Paper
  • 2022-Radar Guided Dynamic Visual Attention for Resource-Efficient RGB Object Detection IJCNN; RadarROI; nuScenes ; Paper
  • 2021-RVDet:Feature-level Fusion of Radar and Camera for Object Detection ITSC; BEVFeature ; Fisheye_Camera; Paper
  • 2021-Radar Camera Fusion via Representation Learning in Autonomous Driving; CVPRW; VisualSemantics; Paper; Video
  • 2021-Robust Small Object Detection on the Water Surface through Fusion of Camera and MillimeterWave Radar ICCV; Attention; Paper
  • 2021-Robust Multimodal Vehicle Detection in Foggy Weather Using Complementary Lidar and Radar Signals CVPR; Attention; Oxford_Foggy; Paper; Code
  • 2021-CFTrack: Center-based Radar and Camera Fusion for 3D Multi-Object Tracking IV; CenterFusion+Track; nuScenes; Paper; Video

Radar Camera Fusion

Feature-level Fusion

Region Proposal Based

Decision-level Fusion

Radar Lidar Fusion

Radar Lidar Camera Fusion

Weakly Supervised

  • 2022-Look, Radiate, and Learn: Self-supervised Localisation via Radio-Visual Correspondence Arxiv; Simulation; SpatialContrastive; Paper
  • 2021-R4Dyn: Exploring Radar for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Dynamic Scenes 3DIMPVT; nuScenes; SSL; Paper
  • 2021- RODNet: A Real-Time Radar Object Detection Network Cross-Supervised by Camera-Radar Fused Object 3D Localization IJSTSP; CRUW; ConfMap; Paper; Code; Video
  • 2020- RSS-Net: Weakly-Supervised Multi-Class Semantic Segmentation with FMCW Radar IV; Oxford; PoseChain; Paper
  • 2020-Warping of Radar Data into Camera Image for Cross-Modal Supervision in Automotive Applications TVT; Velocity; Paper
  • 2020-Weakly Supervised Deep Learning Method for Vulnerable Road User Detection in FMCW Radar ITSC; Tracking; Paper
  • 2020- Radar as a Teacher: Weakly Supervised Vehicle Detection using Radar Labels ICRA; CoTeaching; Paper

Depth Estimation

  • 2022-RVMDE: Radar Validated Monocular Depth Estimation for Robotics Arxiv; nuScenes Paper; Code
  • 2021-Semantic-guided radar-vision fusion for depth estimation and object detection BMVC; nuScenes; SemanticJoint; Paper
  • 2021-Depth estimation from monocular images and sparse radar using deep ordinal regression network ICIP; nuScenes; DORN ; Paper; Code
  • 2021-R4Dyn: Exploring Radar for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Dynamic Scenes 3DIMPVT; nuScenes; SSL; Paper
  • 2021-Radar-Camera Pixel Depth Association for Depth Completion CVPR; nuScenes; MER ; Paper; Code
  • 2020-Depth Estimation from Monocular Images and Sparse Radar Data IROS; nuScenes; TwoStage; Paper; Code
  • 2020-Camera-Radar Fusion for 3-D Depth Reconstruction IV; RadarRA; Paper; Video

Ego Motion Estimation

Velocity Estimation

  • 2022-Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation with 4D Automotive Radar RAL; 4DRadar; FlowNet; Paper; Code
  • 2021-Full-Velocity Radar Returns by Radar-Camera Fusion ICCV; nuScenes; OpticalFlow; Paper
  • 2021-3D Radar Velocity Maps for Uncertain Dynamic Environments IROS; Bayesian; Paper; Code
  • 2018- Instantaneous Actual Motion Estimation with a Single High-Resolution Radar Sensor Nonlinear Paper
  • 2014-Instantaneous Full-Motion Estimation of Arbitrary Objects using Dual Doppler Radar DualRadar; Paper
  • 2013-Instantaneous lateral velocity estimation of a vehicle using Doppler radar MultiPts; Paper

Radar Tracking

Weather Effects


  • The Impact of Adverse Weather Conditions on Autonomous Vehicles: How Rain, Snow, Fog, and Hail Affect the Performance of a Self-Driving Car Paper
  • Seeing through dust and water vapor: Millimeter wave radar sensors for mining applications Paper
  • Analysis of rain clutter detections in commercial 77 GHz automotive radar Paper
  • The Perception System of Intelligent Ground Vehicles in All Weather Conditions: A Systematic Literature Review Paper
  • Testing and Validation of Automotive Point-Cloud Sensors in Adverse Weather Conditions Paper
  • Object Detection Under Rainy Conditions for Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques Paper
  • Testing and Validation of Automotive Point-Cloud Sensors in Adverse Weather Conditions Paper
  • What Happens for a ToF LiDAR in Fog? Paper


  • Oxford Foggy
  • Boreas
  • K-Radar
    See the dataset section for details.


  • 2022-Modality-Agnostic Learning for Radar-Lidar Fusion in Vehicle DetectionPaper
  • 2021-Robust Multimodal Vehicle Detection in Foggy Weather Using Complementary Lidar and Radar Signals Paper
  • 2020-Seeing Through Fog Without Seeing Fog: Deep Multimodal Sensor Fusion in Unseen Adverse Weather Paper; Code; Video
  • 2020-Through Fog High Resolution Imaging Using Millimeter Wave Radar Paper; Code; Video

Multi-Path Effect


  • 2021-The Radar Ghost Dataset – An Evaluation of Ghost Objects in Automotive Radar Data Paper; Code


  • 2021-Anomaly Detection in Radar Data Using PointNets Paper
  • 2021-Fast Rule-Based Clutter Detection in Automotive Radar Data Paper
  • 2021-Radar Ghost Target Detection via Multimodal Transformers Paper
  • 2021-Ghost Target Detection in 3D Radar Data using Point Cloud based Deep Neural Network Paper
  • 2020- Using Machine Learning to Detect Ghost Images in Automotive Radar Paper
  • 2020-Seeing Around Street Corners Non-Line-of-Sight Detection and Tracking In-the-Wild Using Doppler Radar Paper
  • 2019-Identification of Ghost Moving Detections in Automotive Scenarios with Deep Learning Paper
  • 2018-Automotive Radar Multipath Propagation in Uncertain Environments Paper

Mutual Interference


  • 2022-A Two-stage DNN Model with Mask-gated Convolution for Automotive Radar Interference Detection and Mitigation Paper
  • 2021-Resource-Efficient Deep Neural Networks for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation Paper
  • 2021-A DNN Autoencoder for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation Paper
  • 2021-CFAR-Based Interference Mitigation for FMCW Automotive Radar Systems Paper
  • 2021-Mutual Interference Suppression Using Wavelet Denoising in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems Paper
  • 2020-Interference Characterization in FMCW radars Paper
  • 2020-Deep Interference Mitigation and Denoising of Real-World FMCW Radar Signals Paper; Video
  • 2019-Complex Signal Denoising and Interference Mitigation for Automotive Radar Using Convolutional Neural Networks Paper
  • 2018-A Deep Learning Approach for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation Paper


  • 2022-Interference Suppression Using Deep Learning: Current Approaches and Open Challenges Paper
  • 2020-Radar Interference Mitigation for Automated Driving: Exploring proactive strategies Paper
  • 2020-Interference in Automotive Radar Systems Characteristics, mitigation techniques, and current and future research Paper

Range and Doppler Cell Migration

  • 2021-Doppler–Range Processing for Enhanced High-Speed Moving Target Detection Using LFMCW Automotive Radar Paper
  • 2019-Range and Doppler Cell Migration in Wideband Automotive Radar Paper

Tx-Rx Leakage

  • 2022-Mitigation of Leakage and Stationary Clutters in Short-Range FMCW Radar With Hybrid Analog and Digital Compensation Technique Paper

Imperfect Waveform Separation

  • 2020-Slow-Time MIMO-FMCW Automotive Radar Detection with Imperfect Waveform Separation Paper