ROS package to detect ArUco markers in images and estimate their pose.
e.g., in Ubuntu
sudo apt install libopencv-dev libeigen3-dev
- Clone within a working ROS workspace $WS
cd $WS/src
git clone
- Build
cd $WS
catkin build
Once a camera is plugged in your rig and its node is running, simply use the roslaunch
file provided:
roslaunch aruco_board_detect aruco_board_detect.launch [show_debug_image:=true]
Some roslaunch
parameters you might find useful:
Parameter | Description |
camera_info_topic |
The node will subscribe to this topic to source camera parameters |
camera_image_topic |
The node will subscribe to this topic to source input images |
show_debug_image |
Shows the output image in a OpenCV window |
detection_period |
Time between marker detections (seconds) |
markers_config_file |
Config file for marker settings |
Please check the launch file for defaults. Specifically, the file cfg/markers_config.yaml
is used as default configuration file.
Topic | Explanation |
/aruco_board_detector/marker_pose |
The marker poses (stamped with the camera reference frame) |
/aruco_board_detector/debug_image |
The output image, i.e. the input image with markers drawn on it |
The node will also broadcast several tf frames named marker_<id>
where <id>
is the ID of the marker.
The following command shows how to generate an ArUco marker. In the example, we consider a 4.0 x 4.0 cm (-s 4.0
) marker with ID = 0 (-i 0
) from the dictonary DICT_5X5_50
(-t DICT_5X5_50
python `rospack find aruco_detector`/scripts/ -o marker.png -s 4.0 -i 0 -t DICT_5X5_50
For futher options, run the above command with --help
python `rospack find aruco_detector`/scripts/ --help