
A repo with information regarding the homelab I use for myself and hopefully some people can learn from some of my head-wrangling experiences.

Overview of Physical Environment


  • Tools

    • Traefik - used as reverse proxy for both local and remote URLs. Remote is ran behind Cloudflare proxy as well.
    • adminer - A little easier to view internals of various databases
    • ClamAV - Ran once in a while for virus scanning
    • privatebin - I use this to send sensitive info over the internet.
    • Jirafeau - This is a quick file drop server.
    • xbrowsersync - Synchronize Bookmarks and History across various devices and browsers.
    • Thunderbird + ProtonMail-Bridge - A way to always have a copy of my emails in thunderbird.
    • Gitea - Used mostly just to git-control my jenkins scripts.
    • code-server - A quick way to modify some of my jenkins scripts
    • SearXNG - An alternative way to search the web.
    • WikiJS - A wiki server. I use it for storing some of my thoughts as well as documentation.
    • Uptime Kuma - Showing uptime of various services. Not really useful if it's running on the same server though.
    • Homepage - Show a homepage of all services.
    • cloudflareddns - used to automatically update cloudflare DNS A records with my server's external IP address.
  • Backup

    • Duplicacy + B2 - B2 is fairly cheap as a backup solution. I used duplicati initially, but it ran into too many random errors making it somewhat unreliable - Duplicacy isn't perfect either, but it works well. The UI/UX is somewhat lacking, but it's good enough. It's also fairly easy to get up and running and test on another computer for restores
    • Jenkins - I use this for random various jobs - mostly local bakups
    • github-backup - Backing up Github projects in github form.
  • Teslamate - Wonderful tool for people who own teslas.

  • Finance

    • firefly + firefly-iii-csv-importer + mysql - A great finance tool for tracking. with the importer, it becomes somewhat automatic. I'll also show some scripts I made to make this a little easier for certain banks
  • epicgames-freegames - Pretty cool automation tool to fetch free games in epic games if you're into that.

  • Observability

    • Chronograf - Easy way to manage influxDB.
    • Prometheus - Queries various URLs to fetch data.
    • Influxdb - time series databaes to store other stuff
    • Grafana - visualize e v e r y t h i n g
    • caAdvisor - Ingest Docker statistics.
    • Scrutiny - SMART data visualizer
    • Gotify - Notification system to nofiy my phone.
  • Home Automation

    • mosquitto - Used with devices that I flash Tasmota on.
    • tasmoadmin - I don't keep this on, but I use it once in a while. The mass-upgrade tool is quite useful when it works
    • Home Assistant - home automation stuff - For example - turn lightbulbs to a yellower light when the sunsets.
    • zwavejs2mqtt - Using zWave with Home assistant.
  • Monica

    • Monica + MySQL - Personal CRM - I mostly use this as my contacts management. I prefer this over Nextcloud.
  • Nextcloud - Photo storage

  • Immich - Currently testing to see if this is better for me than NextCloud.

  • firefox-syncserver - Sync tabs and bookmarks with firefox.

  • Media Automation & Management

    • lidarr - Organizing music files - Also useful to see if there's other albums you don't have from a particular artist
    • Kavita - If you have manga files or e-books, this is useful for reading that via a web-ui.
    • Plex - I use this mostly for music. Moved my other media stuff to jellyfin.
    • Jellyfin - Media server
    • jfa-go - Manages Jellyfin users.
    • Jellyfin-vue - a cool project for upcoming UI changes for Jellyfin
    • Jellyfin-discord-bot - another cool project to stream jellyfin audio media to discord via casting.
    • jellyseer, qbittorrent, prowlarr, sonarr, Shoko, Kaizoku - All open source projects with questionable intentions, but still very cool.
  • Mattermost

    • Backup to discord when discord goes down. Still prone to Cloudflare downtime though (which will take both down).

Some other cool stuff

  • Adguard Home

    • I use 3x PIs with Portainer + Keepalived + Watchtower + AdguardHome.
    • Use adguardsync on unraid server to make all 3 pis stay in sync.
  • Pi-Hole

vrrp_script chk_pihole {
    script "/usr/bin/docker exec pihole /usr/local/bin/pihole status | grep enabled"
    interval 5
    fall 2

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        state MASTER
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 51
        priority 255
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
              auth_type PASS
              auth_pass susaf
        virtual_ipaddress {
        track_script {

SECONDARY PIHOLE - /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

vrrp_script chk_pihole {
    script "/usr/bin/docker exec pihole /usr/local/bin/pihole status | grep enabled"
    interval 5
    fall 2

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        state BACKUP
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 51
        priority 254  # this needs to be lower than the priority above
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
              auth_type PASS
              auth_pass 12345  # Modify this password to be identical to above
        virtual_ipaddress {
              192.168.x.x/32  # Insert the same address/subnet from above
        track_script {
  • You can type ip addr to check your IPs after starting/restarting keepalived. You can stop the primary keepalived to verify that the secondary now gets the shared IP. very nice

  • Note - I ran into a problem with 2.1.5 having a bug with this. If you notice that chk_pihole doesn't run, make sure your keepalived version isn't 2.1.5

  • Backing up Openwrt

ssh root@openwrt-ip 'umask go= && sysupgrade -b /tmp/backup-openwrt-$(date +%F).tar.gz'
scp root@openwrt-ip:"/tmp/backup-openwrt*.tar.gz" /where/you/want/to/save
ssh root@openwrt-ip 'rm /tmp/backup-openwrt*.tar.gz'

# Now only keep the last 3 backups.
find /where/you/want/to/save -type f -printf '%T@\t%p\n' |
    sort -t $'\t' -g | 
    head -n -3 | 
    cut -d $'\t' -f 2- |
    xargs rm || true
  • Monitoring MB8600 modem

    • I created a project here to start monitoring with grafana
  • Discord Bot

    • Not worked on recently, but I use KoyomiBot to sometimes replace functionality from huginn.
  • Minecraft Server

    • I ran into this great article on setting up a reverse proxy on a cloud service like digitalocean so that you can 1) use a domain and 2) not have the domain point directly to your personal IP. (Great when you're playing with an extended group of friends without having to give your real IP)
    • One thing that's a little tricky is when you want to do a subdomain that has a different IP than your main domain.
    • Here's how you do it
Type   |  Name    | Content     | TTL    | Proxy Status
A      | minecraft| DO ipv4 IP  | Auto   | Proxied

And for the SRV record

Name = play  # for example if you want this to be play.yourdomain.com
service = _minecraft
Protocol = TCP
TTL = Auto
Priority = 0
Weight = 5
Port = 25565
Target = minecraft.urfmode.moe