Fixes the bug which forces a player to create a new character when they already have a save. Useful for migrating maps from co-op to dedicated servers and from one dedicated server to another.
- 247321453China GuangDong
- aclogarUnited States
- alanqthomas@ActionIQ
- AntonyMoesMoscow
- aoirusann
- azmiao(@_@;)
- BlackDahlia313Detroit
- chenluermax
- DaLeberkasPepi
- dd0754
- dljr-github
- Erioifpud@the-red-pixel
- Forensax
- gursheyssbay area
- klementineQtLithia Springs, GA
- kriegsmarineFreelancer
- loroid
- MilesJones18San Antonio, TX
- momo2366
- MuWindsBeijing
- ndanePeera Ltd
- Nico995Institut Jules Bordet
- qianlihaoyue
- SC7639
- Segaz1
- senioi
- ShadowManu@course-key
- ShenmarukaiPennsylvania
- SilverFolfyyes
- skazazes
- slashfastMoscow
- SQwatermark
- tedhuang
- tjaritaUC Davis
- xingfanxiaCompute Labs
- yinfan98