
Fork this template for the 100 days journal - to keep yourself accountable

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I've joined the #100DaysOfCode Challenge.

Travis CI
Build Status

My Progress

| day 00 | day 01 | day 02 | day 03 | day 04 | day 05 | day 06 | day 07 | day 08 | day 09 |

| day 10 | day 11 | day 12 | day 13 | day 14 | day 15 | day 16 | day 17 | day 18 | day 19 |

| day 20 | day 21 | day 22 | day 23 | day 24 | day 25 | day 26 | day 27 | day 28 | day 29 |

| day 30 | day 31 | day 32 | day 33 | day 34 | day 35 | day 36 | day 37 | day 38 | day 39 |

| day 40 | day 41 | day 42 | day 43 | day 44 | day 45 | day 46 | day 47 | day 48 | day 49 |

| day 50 | day 51 | day 52 | day 53 | day 54 | day 55 | day 56 | day 57 | day 58 | day 59 |

| day 60 | day 61 | day 62 | day 63 | day 64 | day 65 | day 66 | day 67 | day 68 | day 69 |

| day70 | day71 | day72 | day73 | day74 | day75 | day76 | day77 | day78 | day79 |

| day80 | day81 | day82 | day83 | day84 | day85 | day86 | day87 | day88 | day89 |

| day90 | day91 | day92 | day93 | day94 | day95 | day96 | day97 | day98 | day99 |



  1. FlappyBird
  2. Xandeer's Portfolio
  3. Random Quote
  4. Local Weather
  5. Wikipedia Viewer
  6. Twitch
  7. Calculator
  8. Pomodoro Clock
  9. Tic Tac Toe
  10. Vue Template for Webpack
  11. Simon Game
  12. Gank.io
  13. Resume
  14. vue-circle-choice
  15. react-demo



If you've decided to join:

  1. Read Join the #100DaysOfCode
  2. Fork this repo and commit to the Log daily. Example.
  3. Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days.
  4. Change the date in Rules to the day you've started the challenge.
  5. Delete the examples in the log, or comment them out, and start filling it with your own content.
  6. Tweet your progress every day using the #100DaysOfCode hashtag.
  7. Follow 100DaysOfCode Twitter Bot that retweets all the tweets that contain the #100DaysOfCode hashtag. It's a great way to keep yourself motivated and to participate in the community. Thanks @amanhimself for creating it!
  8. Important: Encourage others who are doing the same challenge on Twitter or elsewhere - by giving them props when they are posting updates on their progress, supporting them when things get difficult. Thus we will grow a community that is helpful and effective, which will lead to a higher success rate for each person involved. It's also more likely that you will stick to your own commitment, given that you will get acquainted with a couple people (or more) right away.
  9. If you find a great, helpful resource that others would benefit from, either submit a Pull Request to add it to the repo, or just tweet at me (see info below)


  • If you have any questions or ideas about 100DaysOfCode (or other ideas), feel free to reach out to me on Twitter: @ka11away
  • If you like this repo and find it useful, please consider ★ starring it (on top right of the page) :)