Evo Competition

File Architecture

train/ folder is some scipts for training algorithms. Now PPO-Pytorch/ is available. StableBaselines3/ is useless. What we are promoting is CleanRL/. test/ folder is some scipts for test.

For PPO-Pytorch/, you can just run

python train/PPO_train.py
# or enable the render mode
python train/PPO_train.py render_mode=human 

to train PPO algorithm. You'll find /runs/env_name/$TIME$_$algoname$ folder which contains config.yaml, events... and ppoagent.pth. There are for config record, tensorboard and model saving, respectively.

We use hydra to manage configs. Ref to https://hydra.cc/docs/intro/. cfg/config.yaml is the main config file.

Environment INFO

  • Action space

    Tuple(Box(-1.0, 1.0, (8,), float32), Box(-1.0, 1.0, (8,), float32))

  • Observation space

    Tuple(Box(-inf, inf, (118,), float32), Box(-inf, inf, (118,), float32))

  • Reward

    Tuple(float32, float32)

  • Termination

    Tuple(bool, bool)

  • Truncated


  • Info

    Tuple({'ctrl_reward': float32, 'alive_reward': float32, 'lose_penalty': float32, 'win_reward': float32, 'reward_parse': float32, 'move_to_opp_reward': float32, 'push_opp_reward': float32, 'reward_dense': float32}, {'ctrl_reward': float32, 'alive_reward': float32, 'lose_penalty': float32, 'win_reward': float32, 'reward_parse': float32, 'move_to_opp_reward': float32, 'push_opp_reward': float32, 'reward_dense': float32})

    reward_dense = alive_reward + ctrl_reward + push_opp_reward + move_to_opp_reward

    reward_parse = win_reward + lose_penalty

    reward = reward_dense + reward_parse

Trouble Shooting

If you encounter TypeError: reset() got an unexpected keyword argument 'seed', try to fix codes in gymnasium/core.py", line 462:

# obs, info = self.env.reset(seed=seed, options=options)
obs, info = self.env.reset()