
Shiny new website for YouthHack: a global community for student entrepreneurs.

Stack used

  • HTML
  • CSS (Bootstrap, Strapper)
  • Javascript / jQuery


  • Better navbar styling
  • More JS animations
  • More animations / use of color throughout
  • Complete adding partners
  • Decide on colors
  • Add logo to navbar
  • About page
  • Numbers increase upon scrolling over them
  • Ventures page
  • Startup School page
  • Startup Challenge page
  • Get involved page
  • Meta tag image content
  • Twitter meta tags
  • Favicon
  • Google Analytics
  • Logos
    • Startup challenge
    • Accelerator
    • Startup school
  • Get blurbs from Jeff and Katherine
    • Implement
  • Get Core Team info from David
    • Implement
  • Link from contact in Get Involved to Core Team info