
Crysis map based on the famous CryEngine 2 from Crytek®

MIT LicenseMIT

Proxima Beach

Crysis map based on the famous CryEngine 2 from Crytek®.

While Nomad is progressing in the Korean Island, another American unit called SIS (Special Intervantion Squadron) started to surround a small beach on the east of the Korea. The aim of this American attack is to take control of the Island and kill all the KPA units. The SIS rapidly discovered that the Koreans had already acquired the nanosuit technology and some UFO weapons to prepare worldwide invasion.

Proxima Beach


Here you will find some features include in the map:

  1. Time of day
  2. Terrain areas
  3. Sound areas
  4. Prefabs
  5. Vehicles
  6. Korean bots
  7. Flow graphs and triggers (light, shark, etc.)
  8. C17 spawning
  9. And much more! ...


Youtube videos where you can see the map running live on CryEngine:

  1. Speed mapping in SandBox 2 editor (speed x3)
  2. Experiencing time scale in CryEngine 2
  3. Proxima Beach 1.5.2 "The American attack"

All footages were captured in-game.


If you want to open and edit this map, you need to have some requirements set on your machine.

  1. CryEngine Editor called Sandbox 2.0 required
  2. Windows platform, working fine on Windows 7
  3. Good 3D graphic card, tested and built with a Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti from EVGA (Signature 2)


The map is always under construction, but you can download a release by choosing the one you want in the release history.


The project is developed under the MIT license:

  • Permissions: This software and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes, you may distribute this software, this software may be modified and you may use and modify the software without distributing it.
  • Conditions: Include a copy of the license and copyright notice with the code.
  • Limitations: Software is provided without warranty and the software author/license owner cannot be held liable for damages.

Read the full license for more information about your rights.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
xavier.foucrier [at] gmail.com