- 0
AF XDP-example operation not supported
#124 opened by lgs96 - 5
AF_XDP-forwarding test case fails
#78 opened by tjcw - 1
Question on `poll` Call Position in `port_rx_burst` Function and `sendto` Usage in `port_tx_burst` Function in `AF_XDP-forwarding/xsk_fwd.c`
#121 opened by binw666 - 1
AF_XDP example with reduce-cap
#122 opened by Baruch-Fridman - 2
Can a Single UMEM be Bound to Multiple Non-Overlapping FQ and CQ Sets Within a Single Process ?
#120 opened by jklop123 - 2
- 0
Not able to calculate right ipv6 checksum
#118 opened by Parangesnehal - 1
Problem with AF_XDP-example app.
#117 opened by sarsanaee - 5
./configure is not working on CentOS Stream 9
#116 opened by skotur-brcm - 0
ePPing protocol counter may overflow
#115 opened by simosund - 5
update libbpf ?
#113 opened by vincentmli - 9
XDP packets are sent with 2 seconds delays
#110 opened by richd-de - 0
Modify outer header of encapsulated packet
#109 opened by ahihi8z8z - 1
sync some xdp-tools/lib /util to bpf-examples ?
#108 opened by vincentmli - 3
xdp-synproxy vlan support ?
#107 opened by boythx - 2
Is there some infomation about struct bpf_insn
#106 opened by tengliu0929 - 9
Can the XDP program attached to the CPUMAP entry redirect the packet to AF_XDP instead of networking stack?
#105 opened by arukshani - 1
How to fix linux kernel don't trigger tx_ring
#95 opened by xjj210130 - 4
pping xdp skb mode can't be loaded by libxdp and return errcode -22 invalid argument
#102 opened by WinnieeBear - 1
- 7
- 5
- 0
Help about bpf-examples/AF_XDP-interaction,how to fix struct bpf_object_open_attr wrong(run make)
#93 opened by xjj210130 - 0
- 2
AF_XDP-forwarding forward package fail
#90 opened by xjj210130 - 11
Help AF_XDP-example run failed ,libbpf: prog 'xdp_pass': BPF program load failed: Invalid argument
#88 opened by xjj210130 - 2
- 6
Warning/error with libxdp(?) on kernel 5.15
#86 opened by simosund - 0
- 4
Sharing UMEM with two netdevs and creating multiple sockets for a single queue (for a netdev)
#85 opened by arukshani - 4
error during `sudo make` in `nat64-bpf`
#81 opened by unikzforce - 4
Issue with libxdp and LLVM 16?
#77 opened by simosund - 8
- 0
- 5
#74 opened by KillianCdP - 10
Errors received during "make" (post ./configure) due to libxdp.c file. Need to configure and make xdp-tools prior to compile from the root directory
#66 opened by hundredmiles - 1
AF_XDP-example: Makefile: missing -lpthread
#73 opened by elvinongbl - 1
pping: Debug prints in pping_kern.c
#68 opened by hundredmiles - 17
pping: issues with LLVM-15
#63 opened by hundredmiles - 1
AF_XDP-example/txonly: Strange Performance on mlx5 for different packet sizes
#61 opened by jalalmostafa - 3
ELF support missing
#58 opened by effeeue - 6
./configure errors
#50 opened by strongwazz - 1
Unclear kernel requirements for ePPing
#49 opened by simosund - 0
- 5
Consolidate duplicate tc-loader scripts
#9 opened by tohojo - 3
tc_bpf_encap: fails to compile
#3 opened by PolynomialDivision - 1
Encap IPv6 with ETH_P_IP?
#2 opened by PolynomialDivision