
A log of all the coding stuffs I have done as part of my CSE BUET undergard academic life.


A log of all the coding stuffs I have done as part of my CSE BUET undergard academic life.

offline goes brrr

Table of Content


CSE 314 : Operating System Sessional

Some extra stuffs

zarif98sjs/xv6-memory-management-walkthrough - GitHub

CSE 318 : Artificial-Intelligence Sessional

CSE 322 : Computer Networks Sessional

CSE 326 : Information System Design Sessional


CSE 306 : Computer Architecture Sessional

CSE 308 : Software Engineering Sessional

CSE 310 : Compiler Sessional

Some extra stuffs

CSE 316 : Microprocessors,Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Sessional

Some extra stuffs


CSE 208 : Data Structures and Algorithms II Sessional

Some extra stuffs

CSE 216 : Database Sessional


CSE 204 : Data Structures and Algorithms I Sessional

CSE 218 : Numerical Methods


CSE 108 : Object Oriented Programming Language Sessional


CSE 102 : Structured Programming Language