
FeatureBooster: Boosting Feature Descriptors with a Lightweight Neural Network (CVPR 2023)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

FeatureBooster Weights File and Demo Script


FeatureBooster is a research project with Midea Corporate Research Center. This repo contains the PyTorch demo code and pretrained weights for FeatureBooster. The FeatureBooster network reuse existing local feature descriptors. It takes the original descriptors and the geometric properties of keypoints as the input, and uses an MLP-based self-boosting stage and a Transformer-based cross-boosting stage to enhance the descriptors. For more details, please see:


Step1: Cloning the repository and creating a virtual environment

git clone --recursive https://github.com/SJTU-ViSYS/FeatureBooster.git
cd FeatureBooster/
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate featurebooster

Step2: Installing pyCOLMAP for SIFT extractor. Please following the instruction here.

Step3: Build the ORBSLAM2 features

cd extractors/orbslam2_features/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=~/anaconda3/envs/featurebooster/lib/libpython3.8.so \
      -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=~/anaconda3/envs/featurebooster/include/python3.8 \
      -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=~/anaconda3/envs/featurebooster/bin/python3.8 ..
make -j


The trained weights of FeatureBoosters for different descriptors are provided in models/. Boost-F and Boost-B indicate real-valued boosted and binary boosted descriptors, respectively. At present time, the off-the-shelf weights for following feature extractors are provided:

Feature extraction

extract_features.py can be used to extract various local features for a given list of images. Currently, the following local features are supported:

  • ORB, ORB+Boost-B
  • SIFT, SIFT+Boost-F, SIFT+Boost-B
  • SuperPoint, SuperPoint+Boost-F, SuperPoint+Boost-B
  • ALIKE(-L), ALIKE+Boost-F, ALIKE+Boost-B
  • RootSIFT
  • SOSNet
  • HardNet

Note: The extraction of SOSNet and HardNet are based on Kornia.

The output format is npz and the output feature files contain two arrays:

  • keypoints [N x M] array containing the positions of keypoints x, y and other geometric properties, such as the scales, the detection score, the oriention.
  • descriptors [N x D] array containing the descriptors. For real-valued descriptors, the data type of elements in this array is np.float32. For binary descriptor, the type is np.uint8.

ORB+Boost-B features for HPatches dataset can be extracted by running:

python extract_features.py --descriptor ORB+Boost-B --image_list_file image_list_hpatches_sequences.txt

Evaluation on Hpatches

Step1: Downloading the HPatches dataset

cd hpatches_sequences
bash download.sh

Step2: Extracting the features following the instruction in Feature extraction.

Step3: Running the notebook hpatches_sequences/HPatches-Sequences-Matching-Benchmark.ipynb. The new methods can be added in cell 4 of the notebook, while the features are supposed to be stored in the npz format following the description on Feature extraction.

BibTex Citation

  title={FeatureBooster: Boosting Feature Descriptors with a Lightweight Neural Network},
  author={Wang, Xinjiang and Liu, Zeyu and Hu, yu and Xi, Wei and Yu, Wenxian and Zou, Danping},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


We borrowed a lot of codes from D2-Net and SuperGluePretrainedNetwork. Thanks for their excellent works!