
Cocos2dx 3.x Game Project Use Cocos2dx Create Game Project(c++)

Primary LanguageC++


  • Game engine based on version cocos2d-x V3.16

  • All games are developed in C++

  • If you just contacted cocos2d-x, this is a good entry project

  • If you are a beginner of C++ or a game developer of other languages, this project is a good learning project without complex syntax

  • If you are a game developer and want to do some similar games, this project may help you or give you some inspiration

  • !!! Important This game mimics the original plant vs. Zombies. Do not use it for commercial purposes or you will be responsible for the consequences

  • 游戏引擎基于版本 Cocos2d-X v3.16

  • 游戏全部使用c++开发

  • 如果你刚刚接触Cocos2d-X 这绝对是个不错的入门项目

  • 如果是你C++初学者或者其他语言转游戏开发,这个项目没有复杂的语法绝对是一个不错的学习项目

  • 如果你是游戏开发从业者想做一些类似的游戏,这个项目可能会帮到你或给你一些启发

  • !!! 重要 这个游戏模仿了原版植物大战僵尸。不要用于商业用途,否则后果自负

Project Description(项目说明)

  • This game is made by myself. This version is a beta version (with certain playability), which will be updated from time to time in the future (continuously improved).

  • Most of the materials of the game come from the original game materials, and a few are collected from the network, as well as their own production.

  • This game is for learning and communication only, not for commercial use, otherwise the consequences will be borne by yourself.

  • At present, there are 7 kinds of zombies and 13 kinds of plants, and the animation of plants and zombies are done by myself. Due to the limited ability of animation, some zombies and plant animation can not be realized. If you can do animation and are willing to help me, you can chat with me privately (animation is the skeleton animation made by spice software).

  • If you find any problems with the program or suggestions for the game, you can send them to my QQ: 2117610943 or email: 2117610943@qq.com.

  • 此游戏全部由本人自己制作完成。此版本为测试版(具有一定的可玩性),今后会不定时更新(不断完善)。

  • 游戏大部分的素材来源于原版游戏素材,少部分搜集于网络,以及自己制作。

  • 此游戏为仅供学习交流使用,不得用于商业用途,否则后果自负。

  • 目前有7种僵尸和13种植物,植物和僵尸的动画都是本人做的,由于做动画的能力有限,有些僵尸和植物动画不能实现,如果可以做动画并且愿意帮助我的人可以私聊我(动画是用spine软件制作的骨骼动画)。

  • 如果发现程序有什么问题或者对游戏有什么建议可以发送到我的qq:2117610943或者Emal:2117610943@qq.com



Run The Example (运行示例)

Image(图片) Image(图片)

Run Requirement(运行要求)

  • Install visual studio 2017 or visual studio 2019

  • Download this project and compile it in visual studio

  • 安装visual studio 2017 or visual studio 2019

  • 下载此项目并在visual studio中编译运行



Author: LZ
QQ: 2117610943
Email: 2117610943@qq.com
Programming capacity is limited, please understand


Copyright (c) LZ. All rights reserved.