xijiz's Following
- a16z-infra
- ant-designHangZhou, China
- antimatter15San Francisco, CA
- apifyThe Interweb
- bentomlSan Francisco
- BlinkDLhttp://withablink.com
- brycedrennanHiRoad
- everythingishacked
- FerretDB
- FlagAI-OpenUnited States of America
- FMInference
- fxia22Google, Inc.
- huggingfaceNYC + Paris
- hwchase17
- juntaoSecond State
- kwaiBeijing, China
- LAION-AIGermany
- leptonaiUnited States of America
- lm-sys
- MCG-NJUNanjing
- mistralai
- openai
- rlleshiKoblenz, Germany
- rust-lang
- siliconflow
- smol-aiUnited States of America
- Stability-AIUnited Kingdom
- THUDMFIT Building, Tsinghua University
- togethercomputer
- TorantulinoUK
- VainFNational University of Singapore
- vearch
- Vision-CAIR
- WasmEdgeUnited States of America
- WebAssemblyThe Web!
- zxch3n