Projects done at 42Barcelona Telefónica in C language.
my42storage is the repository of the main projects developed in 42Barcelona.
Projects Overview
In this project I have implemented my own version of some of the main libc functions. Libft is a C library that provides a set of essential functions commonly used in programming. It includes functions for character and string manipulation, memory handling, and more. Additionally, it offers linked list operations. These functions aim to facilitate C programming tasks.
Born2beRoot, was a project which consisted of building and configuring a Linux(Debian) virtual machine, making various adjustments and configurations of it to meet the client's requirements. In it, the services of:ssh, sudo, lighttpd, wordpress, PHP, Docker, UFW, mariaDB, among others.
The function ft_printf(), which mimics the original printf().
The ft_get_next_line is a program for reading lines from a file written in C. The program incrementally reads the content of a file identified by its file descriptor (fd) and returns a complete line on each call.
push_swap 🔒
The "Push_swap" project is a program that can sort a set of integers, uses internally linked lists and a minimal set of instructions (moves), with the aim of finding the most efficient solution.
pipex 🔒
The "Pipex" project is a program that mimics the original terminal pipe '|'.
so_long 🔒
The "so_long" is a computer graphics project, in which we have worked with the minilibx library. The goal is to create a small video game in C.
The philosophers(Threads) problem 🔒
Project that seeks to understand the concepts of threading a process, how to create threads and work with mutexes to deal with data race issues..