- 5
- 3
level1 dataset detail
#29 opened by serotoninpm - 2
Curious about action candidate selection
#24 opened by MathieuTuli - 2
Filter "examine" and "look" commands
#26 opened by MathieuTuli - 1
License is missing?
#25 opened by tongzhoumu - 50
Cannot replicate the results in the paper
#21 opened by tongzhoumu - 3
- 2
Evaluation in obs_generation is super slow
#19 opened by tongzhoumu - 3
GATA-GTF rl training error
#14 opened by subhajitchaudhury - 2
- 2
The level of games
#10 opened by YunqiuXu - 47
pretraining evaluation not working
#9 opened by gari-marcos - 4
config.yaml file usage
#8 opened by gari-marcos - 4
visdom not showing anything
#7 opened by gari-marcos - 3
textworld module not found when training
#5 opened by gari-marcos - 4
connection refused when pretraining
#3 opened by gari-marcos - 1
pretraining actions
#2 opened by gari-marcos - 1
word embeddings link
#1 opened by gari-marcos