
ROS1 driver for Lakibeam1S/Lakibeam1/Lakibeam1L

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Additional notes from WHI


sudo apt install curl

then power off the lidar and power on

belowing contents are originals


1 About the Driver

LakiBeam ROS1 Drvier is the software development kit for: LakiBeam1S/LakiBeam1/LakiBeam1L LiDAR manufactured by Richbeam (Beijing) Technology. After launched, the Driver will monitor UDP packets from Lidar, parse data and publish point clouds frames into ROS under topic: /scan or topic: /pcd.

2 Environment and Dependencies

System environment requirement: Linux + ROS
Recommanded: Ubuntu 16.04 - with ROS kinetic desktop-full installed or
Ubuntu 18.04 - with ROS melodic desktop-full installed or
Ubuntu 20.04 - with ROS noetic desktop-full installed.

Check resources on http://ros.org for installation guide.

3 Installation

3.1 Create the workspace for ROS1 Driver

mkdir -p catkin_ws/src

3.2 Build Lakibeam ROS1 Driver

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/RichbeamTechnology/Lakibeam_ROS1_Driver.git
cd ~/catkin_ws

4 Configure PC and LiDAR IP Address

While Connecting via RJ45 cable and DC power supply, for the default LakiBeam1(L/S), it is configured the "" as its own IP address, and the "" as its destination PC IP address. So we need set the PC static IP as "" and the net mask as "", while the gateway address is not necessary. After configuration, we can use "ifconfig" command to check if the IP is work. While Connecting via USB Type-C cable, it is configured the "" as its own IP address, and the "" as its destination PC IP address. But the PC static IP doesn’t need to be set, enter this URL into your web browser:, which is the own IP of sensor. Then set the Host (Destination) IP: "" and set to dynamic configuration.The sensor will reset the network configuration after a short sub second delay. The IP configuration via USB Type-C cable on sensor’s web server is shown in the picture below: image

5 Launch File

Before receiving data from sensor, we should configure parameters in launch file if needed. The configurable parameters are shown in the table below:

Parameter name Instruction
inverted Invert the sensor, "true" is inverted.
hostip Destination IP address, monitoring to all IP address when set to
port Monitoring port, must be same with port number set on web server when using dual sensors in one PC
angle_offset Point cloud rotation angle around Z-axes, can be set to a negative number

6 View the Real Time Data

  1. Connect the LakiBeam1(L/S) to your PC via RJ45 cable and DC power supply or USB Type-C cable, and power on it.
  2. We have provided several example launch files, such as "lakibeam1_scan.launch" and "lakibeam1_scan_view.launch" under /launch. To start the LaserScan node, we can run the launch file to view the real time point cloud.
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch lakibeam1 lakibeam1_scan.launch
(run LaserScan node)
roslaunch lakibeam1 lakibeam1_scan_view.launch
(run LaserScan node in Rviz)

The real time point cloud data under LaserScan in Rviz is shown in the picture below: image