
determine the QR code position and orientation

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Determine the QR code position and orientation. Advertise service for retrieving the encoded info and the offsets to the camera frame


This package can be applied in visual guidance and pose alignment:


Camera intrinsics

The accuracy of the QR code pose is mainly affected by the camera's intrinsics. Follow the OpenCV's calibration guidance to refer to the fundamental logic, or there are lots of great tools that can do the job

Once you get your camera's intrinsics, edit the "config.yaml" to record them:

intrinsic_projection: [385.75, 385.75, 323.12, 236.74] # focal length x, y, and optical center x, y
intrinsic_distortion: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


cd /<your_workspace>/src
git clone https://github.com/xinjuezou-whi/whi_interfaces.git

Advertised service


The argument: timeout in the request specifies the maximum duration to wait for the response from the server. The response from the server is filled with the offset(geometry_msgs/PoseStamped) to the camera frame and the encoded contents of the QR code

Image source

Currently, three image sources are supported: USB CAM stream, the message of sensor_msgs::Image, and images stored in a local folder

Refer to the parameters to specify the image source


  frame_id: camera
  image_topic: image
  camera_device: /dev/video0
  image_path: debug_images
  source: path # topic/device/path
  loop_hz: 20 # hz
  show_source_image: true
  show_detected_image: true
  service: qrcode_pose
  frame_unit: meter # millimeter
  intrinsic_projection: [385.75, 385.75, 323.12, 236.74]
  intrinsic_distortion: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


cd /<your_workspace>/src
git clone https://github.com/xinjuezou-whi/whi_qrcode_pose.git
cd ..
catkin build whi_qrcode_pose
source /<your_workspace>/devel/setup.bash

Demo with local stored images

For a quick demo, change the parameter "source" to "path", edit the "image_path" with your workspace like "/home/<your_workspace>/src/whi_qrcode_pose/debug_images/". And make sure parameters "show_source_image" and "show_detected_image" are both enabled, then run the following command:

roslaunch whi_qrcode_pose whi_qrcode_pose.launch