
launch ur_robot_driver while calling services to automatically initialize the arm under remote control mode

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Launch ur_robot_driver while calling services to initialize the arm under remote control mode automatically, and advertise the service for IO manipulation


This package depends on the ur_robot_driver and externalcontrol-x.x.x.urcap. Please refer to the official site for detailed instructions

And following:

git clone https://github.com/xinjuezou-whi/whi_interfaces.git

Bringup process

process drawio


  try_duration: 2 # second
  try_max_count: 10
  external_program: external_ctrl.urp
  protective_query_frequency: 5.0 #Hz
  motion_state_topic: arm_motion_state

If the param "protective_query_frequency" is set and greater than zero, a thread will be spawned to query the safety mode, and automatically recover UR from protective stop to normal mode.

NOTE: Before activating this mechanism, the user must ensure the consecutive path is well handled after recovering from the protective stop.

Param "motion_state_topic" is activated while the arm enters the protective stop, and the motion state message with a fault will be sent to its subscribers.


It is recommended to extract the calibration params first, then feed it to ur_robot_driver. Please refer to here

roslaunch whi_ur_robot_driver_bridge whi_ur_robot_driver_bridge.launch kinematics_config:=${HOME}/ur10e_calibration.yaml arm_model:=ur10e robot_ip:= script_sender_port:=29999

NOTE: replace ur10e with specific UR model: ur3, ur5, ur10, ur3e, ur5e, ur10e, ur16e, ur20

Advertised service


Use the rosservice command line to make a quick validation:

rosservice call /whi_ur_robot_driver_bridge/io_request "{addr: 1, level: 1, operation: 1}"

NOTE: please refer to ur_msgs/SetIO for pin number; level 1 means high and 0 means low; operation 1 means write