Official implementation of "Video Object Segmentation with Adaptive Feature Bank and Uncertain-Region Refinement", NeurIPS 2020.
- 1
static images datasets
#15 opened by nankepan - 4
ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0
#13 opened by Cbezz - 1
static images datasets
#14 opened by nankepan - 2
How to calculate iou of test result on long video? Can you provide this test script?
#12 opened by longmalongma - 2
Wrong Directory Name
#11 opened by yoxu515 - 2
About long time video validation
#9 opened by Limingxing00 - 1
Which version of coco dataset do you use?
#10 opened by zhouweii234 - 1
about q and p
#8 opened by longmalongma - 2
_version_cuda.so: undefined symbol:
#7 opened by longmalongma - 2
out of memory
#6 opened by longmalongma - 3
- 4
Why does the dataloader of DAVIS need to randomly sample images from a video sequence?
#4 opened by MaxChanger - 1
Hi, question about time of pretain step
#3 opened by shoutOutYangJie - 9
- 2
No such file called dataset.txt!
#1 opened by colorblank