- 4
Fix c_cpp_properties.json line terminator
#42 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Descend into xpacks
#45 opened by ilg-ul - 3
- 0
Preserve tabs in c_cpp_properties.json
#41 opened by ilg-ul - 10
Comments in c_cpp_properties.json
#38 opened by nicreuss - 1
Add Copy to right click on actions
#39 opened by ilg-ul - 1
- 1
Make the install button visible
#40 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Hide default install action, if overriden
#36 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Add the Hello World QEMU template
#35 opened by ilg-ul - 1
- 0
Update for buildConfiguration inheritance
#31 opened by ilg-ul - 39
- 0
Trigger build before debug
#33 opened by ilg-ul - 13
Publish to open VSX
#25 opened by 0Grit - 0
- 1
- 10
vscode 1.58 + xpack ext 0.4.14 not work
#21 opened by linquize - 7
Specify environment to run `node`
#20 opened by intractabilis - 12
The extention adds "configurationProvider": "ms-vscode.cmake-tools" even if I use meson
#17 opened by intractabilis - 0
Set the default task to 'xPack: build Debug'
#19 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Investigate how to add a new IntelliSense provider
#12 opened by ilg-ul - 1
- 1
Add commands to remove actions/configurations
#16 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Add code to duplicate existing configurations
#6 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Add right-click actions in explorer
#15 opened by ilg-ul - 1
- 1
Enable instrumentation
#11 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Exclude xpacks from npm search
#2 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Add configuration variable for maxDepthLevel
#4 opened by ilg-ul - 1
- 1
Add configuration variable for the log level
#14 opened by ilg-ul - 1
Fix missing compile_commands.json warning
#10 opened by ilg-ul - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1