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A curated list of awesome machine learning security references, guidance, tools, and more.

Table of Contents

Relevant work, standards, literature

CIA of the model

Membership attacks, model inversion attacks, model extraction, adversarial perturbation, prompt injections, etc.


Reconstruction (model inversion; attribute inference; gradient and information leakage), theft of data, Membership inference and reidentification of data, Model extraction (model theft), property inference (leakage of dataset properties), etc.


Backdoors/neural trojans (same as for non-ML systems), adversarial evasion (perturbation of an input to evade a certain classification or output), data poisoning and ordering (providing malicious data or changing the order of the data flow into an ML model).


Degraded model performance


AI’s effect on attacks/security elsewhere

Self-driving cars

LLM Alignment

Regulatory actions




Safety standards

  • Toward Comprehensive Risk Assessments and Assurance of AI-Based Systems
  • ISO/IEC 42001 — Artificial intelligence — Management system
  • ISO/IEC 22989 — Artificial intelligence — Concepts and terminology
  • ISO/IEC 38507 — Governance of IT — Governance implications of the use of artificial intelligence by organizations
  • ISO/IEC 23894 — Artificial Intelligence — Guidance on Risk Management
  • ANSI/UL 4600 Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products — addresses fully autonomous systems that move such as self-driving cars, and other vehicles including lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Includes safety case construction, risk analysis, design process, verification and validation, tool qualification, data integrity, human-machine interaction, metrics and conformance assessment.
  • High-Level Expert Group on AI in European Commission — Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Taxonomies and frameworks

Security tools and techniques

API probing

  • PrivacyRaven: runs different privacy attacks against ML models; the tool only runs black-box label-only attacks
  • Counterfit: runs different adversarial ML attacks against ML models

Model backdoors


Background information

DeepFakes, disinformation, and abuse

Notable incidents

Incident Type Loss
Tay Poor training set selection Reputational
Apple NeuralHash Adversarial evasion (led to hash collisions) Reputational
PyTorch Compromise Dependency confusion
Proofpoint - CVE-2019-20634 Model extraction
ClearviewAI Leak Source Code misconfiguration
Kubeflow Crypto-mining attack System misconfiguration
OpenAI - takeover someone's account, view their chat history, and access their billing information Web Cache Deception Reputational
OpenAI- first message of a newly-created conversation was visible in someone else’s chat history Cache - Redis Async I/O Reputational
OpenAI- ChatGPT's new Browser SDK was using some relatively recently known-vulnerable code (specifically MinIO CVE-2023-28432) Security vulnerability resulting in information disclosure of all environment variables, including MINIO_SECRET_KEY and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD. Reputational
ML Flow MLFlow - combined Local File Inclusion/Remote File Inclusion vulnerability which can lead to a complete system or cloud provider takeover. Monetary and Reputational
HuggingFace Spaces - Rubika System misuse
Microsoft AI Data Leak SAS token misconfiguration
HuggingFace Hub- Takeover of the Meta and Intel organizations Password Reuse
HuggingFace API token exposure API token exposure
ShadowRay - Active Cryptominer campaign against Ray clusters Improper authentication Monetary and Reputational

Notable harms

Incident Type Loss
Google Photos Gorillas Algorithmic bias Reputational
Uber hits a pedestrian Model failure
Facebook mistranslation leads to arrest Algorithmic bias